Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Odanga
I'm an experienced all around audio engineer. There's not too much in audio that I haven't tried to learn and implement into my skillset
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Original guitarist, multi instrumentalist and music producer, winner of several original music scoring for movie prizes.
Titan Reampings has been created in order to provide earth shaking guitar tones at the most affordable rates. Send us a 10-20 second sample of your guitar tracks and we'll send you back a processed sample to evaluate the results COMPLETELY FREE.
Specializing in mixing and mastering for more aggressive genres and styles while providing pop-quality production standards.
What's your story? Let's write the song for it.
Music degree from Trinity Laban, London.
A Professional Voice Artist with hands on experience in Mixing and Mastering the audio and music data to industry standards.
Hello everyone! I'm a session guitarist, bassist and producer, I will be happy to help you to improve your music! :)
Michael Ombonyo Odanga also known as MODA Magic is a Texas Vocal artist with a passion and gift for creating timeless Hip Hop & RnB music. Michael is a first-generation American of African descent, born in Ft. Worth, TX. From a young age, Michael was passionate about singing and music production and strives to make a positive impact in people's li
Recent Successes
"Another fast turnout from Brad! You would think that working on a track within a day with a busy schedule would make you rush into things and not get a quality out of it, but man he can do both so well! What I love ..."
"Mark is a consummate professional. I had a specific bass-line style in mind for the track (in the style of Leon Wilkeson) and had communicated that 'up-front' to Mark. Mark not only delivered exactly the feel a..."
"Clarke took my song to a new level! I feel incredibly humbled and grateful to SoundBetter and Clarke for having this platform to connect with the best of the best in our industry. I was taken back with how down to ear..."
"I had a fantastic experience working with Sohta. He mixed 11 tracks for me, and really took them and made them sing. He was easy to work with, flexible and accommodating of my requests, and delivered a great product. ..."
"We are the A-Team out here! Can't wait to work on more projects with Amilli! 5/5"
"The best singer 😀"
"Absolutely a pleasure working with Electra. We have done quite a few projects together and she is fast, efficient and wildly talented. Highly recommend. "