Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrea Piersimoni
Worked with Netflix, Red Bull, Bulgari and many others. I work with all brands and i reflect this ability on hip hop/pop/soul productions.
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2Track Entertainment specializes in giving you the quality sound of todays top trends in Rap/Hip Hop, RnB and Dark RnB.. With a unique approach to Analog/Digital recording and mixing we deliver clean, punchy and dynamic mixes every time.
Hi am U'nah a singer/songwriter, am a kinda writer that dont believe in normal (normal is boring) so I always love ideas that needs high level of creativity to achieve it
I won't share my passione of music with most people.
I like to get the Artist's vision come through in a song/album and believe in Tone work. Dont Repair that aint broken.
10x Platinum recording and mixing engineer with over a billion streams on multiple platforms. Jason Derulo's engineer from 2017-2021 (Savage Love - Billboard #1). One of the quickest recording engineers in LA.
Let's make the best song we've ever made.
Benq melow
Time for a fresh perspective.
Recent Successes
"Jacob was great to deal with. Brilliant at communicating and smashed the vocals. He grasped the concept of the song immediately and executed brilliantly the first time around. Little need for edits. "
"Great project from Leroy. He spent a lot of extra time fixing small details that made a big difference."
"A professional, friendly and most important....patient much more than we could imagine. We fully recommend on Brendan !!! He is the Best. "
"David nails it every time and with a perfect price, thanks David!!!"
"Antonio is an outstanding producer with many creative ideas. He creates a unique sound and completely identifies with the project. The collaboration is outstanding and the ideas were perfectly realized. I am already l..."
"Jordan is amazingly talented is so many ways, everything he touches is top notch, professional, and very high quality. I highly recommend for future projects."
"Catalyst mixed and mastered 5 songs for my band. We are really happy with the process and end result. He really listens to what you want. He knows how to grasp the old sound but makes it fresh and from this time. His ..."
"I had the pleasure of working with Tito on the mix of one of my tracks, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Tito worked quickly and efficiently, delivering high-quality work. He was also very accommodating, al..."
"Daniel is Amazing! Absolutely incredible with any genre. Our studio has sent him Latin, Pop, Rock, R&B, and HE KILLS IT every time whether that be acoustics or electrics, its just incredible. Thank you Daniel! "