Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Staatsoper unter den Linden
Looking for an audio engineer with a diverse skill set? Based in Berlin, I offer expertise in mixing/mastering and Vocal Recordings for a variety of genres including Hip Hop, R&B, Trap, Jersey, Detroit, Ambient, DnB, Contemporary, Soundtrack, and Foley. With global collaborations under my belt, I'm ready to bring out the best in your music!
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Ascent Studios is home to 15 year professional audio engineer, Anthony Goodwin. Anthony is a seasoned studio musician, producer, and engineer, and is available for mixing, mastering, and music production.
Music producer, sound designer, mixing and mastering engineer. Always searching for the feel and emotions in every piece I'm working on.
LOUD, PUNCHY MIXES. (Hard hitting drums, fat 808's & bass, plush strings, beautiful synths). Flexible pricing.
I rap in Russian. I write rap songs and also do design for them. Also we can do photos.
Hello! I'm Eric, an independent singer/songwriter from the East Coast. I've been writing and performing as a vocalist for 5+ years. I'd love to work on writing new music with some awesome collaborators, so feel free to contact me and we can start making something great!
Mixing & Masteirng
Quince and Bridals Collections
Producer/Songwriter/Master with main focus on analog Instruments and Piano. I play accordeon, piano, keyboard, drums, little bit of string instruments
Recent Successes
"Giancarlo is very committed to getting the mix of a song to it's absolute best which is why I have been very happy to work with him for the last couple years. I also like how he takes the time to explain some concepts..."
"It was a pleasure working with Michael! He was very open to suggestions and doing revisions didn't seem to bother him at all; he seemed genuinely happy to make sure that I was completely happy with the final product. ..."
"Great musician and producer. Delivered the goods!"
"To say that Rob is a great singer would not do him justice. Rob has done several tracks for me before either of us were on SoundBetter. I encouraged Rob to get on SoundBetter to allow more writers, producers, etc. li..."
"I've been freelancing in Spain & couldn't come up with funds for a really special song my heart wanted to release. i told the universe- if you can provide a resource, ill release it. Then Balir & team hit me up and wo..."
"It’s such a pleasure to work with Vic, he’s really mindful and knows how to bring out the best in your songs! "
"This is an absolutely wonderful experience, Mr.Mig is very patient about any of my opinions and questions. Everything he did about this song is not only professional but so excellent and magically interesting. The fin..."
"Thanks, Rob! Working with you was so nice; I reallly appreciate your mix!"