Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with No recent credits
I do whatever it takes to make your music sound great. I use a variety of techniques to transform mediocre sounds into amazing sounds. I can re-amp guitars through my collection of vintage and modern amps, or fix muddy, fuzzy tones even without a DI track. I can clean up almost any drum sound, or do sample replacement using my own custom library.
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Cimamusic Mix & Mastering is a home-based music production operation, providing a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for audio recording, mixing, mastering, editing, arrangement and production needs for artists of all genres.
Producer, Mix & Mastering Engineer
Hi guys, my name is Archil Veltauri. I’m high educated musician based on Turkey with 20 years experience in music industry. Working with many proffesional musicians on all genres of music. Hope to find some new clients with new thinks and mind to find some new experience and work with them.
I can help you bring tour musical ideas to life!
I will professionally edit and mix your songs using top-tier plugins to deliver a polished, radio and streaming-ready track for platforms like iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify. With over 5 years of experience in audio mixing, I guarantee high-quality results and complete customer satisfaction.
I'm a Los Angeles-based audio engineer, music producer, songwriter, musician, and overall art enthusiast. Dedicated to taking your recordings to the next level while keeping the human element intact.
Hello! Do you have a melody in your head you need to make a hit? Do you have a song in your heart? Are you too busy to come to a recording studio, but have a decent microphone and vocal recording software to make a music hit at home? You've come to the right place! Let me bring your music recording dreams to life!! Luciano Productions!
Groove feel love
Recent Successes
"We had an awesome experience working with Janaé. She was responsive, professional, a good communicator, and receptive to feedback. She works quickly, while also knowing her limits and setting expectations. But most im..."
"Ziv's great knowledge of guitar's left me very satisfied at the end that we were able to achieve some specific sounds that I had examples of/in my head. "
"Second time with working with Davidbassy - nailed it both times, quick response time and completion. Would massively recommend hiring!! "
"Sergey is a GREAT musician. It’s always a pleasure to work with him. 👍 "
"How do you review one of the best vocalists on here!??? Shaley always delivers with heart and soul and makes a bad track great - this is a good track so she made it WONDERFUL!!! Thanks Shaley! Gold as usual! hmm hopin..."
"Nate is a rock star! Gave him specs, groove wishes, and producers specs. He had the project turned around that day! His expertise supports my rock song, is organized, and I can't wait to work with him on the ne..."
"Great Person - Great Mixes And Mastering - Would Love To Get My Mixing And Mastering Done Again By Him - Thank You "