Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with "Motel 6" by DZ Riley
I'm a female engineer dedicated to making quality recordings with top-of-the-line gear and facilitating an environment where you can feel comfortable to experiment and create your best work.
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Maximum Feedback is a concentrated group of professionals that banded together, providing effective and expedient service.
I am an experienced live sound engineer who is equally comfortable mixing Front of House and Monitors. I also have done some studio mixes and would love to broaden my experience in this area of expertise.
I produced tracks that racked up millions of streams on Spotify. Looking for fresh-sounding dance or Pop music? I'm the guy you're looking for.
Hi I'm an artist, producer, songwriter performer and a mix engineer. I've spent years working as a musician in London. Nowadays I live a location-independent life. My works are on channels like Mr. Suicide Sheep, J0mpa music, ENM, etc. I have Releases on Sony Poland, ENM, Artist Intelligence Agency, Polish Radio.
carlos (CA) is an award-nominated producer and programmer who's work has been featured in commercials, podcasts, films and much more. With heavy influences in Urban, R&B and Gospel, his style is quickly being known as one with a unique sound. CA is promised to be a chart-topping, multiplatinum-selling producer with catchy melodies, memorable b
I’m a French mixing engineer based in London, You can contact me for any information.
Grammy nominated. 10 years writing for artists & bands. Lyric heavy, songwriter & producer. Guitar and piano player. Los Angeles based.
20+ years in Classical, Jazz, Pop and Gospel Keys, working full time in Film Scoring and Original Composition. International vocal competitions and national ranking, love working with harmonies and tracking.
Recent Successes
"i love to work with jazelle she is the best !!! "
"JP is definetely a very talented engineer ! He brought to my tracks the perfect tight sound I was looking for. He will elevate your songs to another level. "
"Pete was stellar in working on my "adult album alternative" (not sure what genre it is lol) new song! He played awesome and was great to work with! Highly recommend him! Def. look forward to getting cello's done again..."
"Nacre is a beautiful vocalist. Her ethereal singing fits sublimely in our song. I have had a great experience composing with / working with Nacre. :) "
"Jaime is the type of artists that’s well worth the wait to work with. It may take a while at times because she is so busy but she nails it on the first try everytime. I’ll take that any day. Love working with her "
"Garrett did an awesome job on the mix we sent him. I needed the mix done urgently, and he got it back to me the same day. He was easy to communicate with and responded quickly. It also sounded great. "
"Working with Pete was an absolute pleasure and great communication! He is extraordinary in his craft and knows exactly what the song needs to make it the best it could possibly be. I cannot recommend him enough and I ..."
"My gratitude to James for another song where he's able to play an established bass line, but also provide a second track with his improvisations. It's always a pleasure to work with him!"