Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MEZMER
Multi-faceted producer, engineer, mixer and multi instrumentalist located in Nashville, TN. Credits as an engineer, producer, songwriter and musician include Hotel Books, September Stories, Ryemr, Summer School, Camp Hope, Micah Tewers, The Scarlett Letter, SØNØS, MEZMER, Dependence, and more.
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I live in Bonn, Germany. I love Music. I love meeting new people who knows the importance of life. Sharing ideas that makes sense. I love designing. I love to create my own ideas about modern fashion. I write songs. I dance as well. I love to listen to love songs like the 50's or 60's. I just don't like fake people.
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I do Mix & Master since 2014. Moshpit is a team of 4 people from italy. From mix and master to beatmaking, we are the team you are looking for a perfect sound!
I'll let my work do the talking.
Remote Mixing & Mastering
Let's collaborate, Professional quality music, beats, lyrics and Hip Hop vocal coaching available ; finding the right actions to make your music better, Plus I'm a humble Pro and a good team member.
Multi-faceted producer, engineer, mixer and multi instrumentalist located in Nashville, TN. Credits as an engineer, producer, songwriter and musician include Hotel Books, September Stories, Ryemr, Summer School, Camp Hope, Micah Tewers, The Scarlett Letter, SØNØS, MEZMER, Dependence, and more.
Elevate your music with rich, dynamic drum tracks that bring your vision to life. From heartfelt singer-songwriter ballads to toe-tapping country and infectious pop, I craft tailored rhythms that resonate. Recorded in my home studio, my drums add the perfect groove to your next hit. Let's create something unforgettable together.
Recent Successes
"Amazing Top Notch Quality. Hand down. One of the best if not THE best mastering i've ever had done. The attention to detail is unbeatable."
"A really amazing artist and a very nice person, the quality of the work is outstanding, highly recommanded what else to say, i can't wait to work with him again"
"Quick turnaround times, professional quality. Thank you Yoad for making our song sound like we imagined. "
"He literally revived my track and made my track sound so much better. I will definitely work with him again and again. I was really satisfied and looking forward to work with him again real soon. Thx u to 🐐👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻!"
"Another fantastic job completed with Jordan. This time the project was a bit more complex with layers with drum kits, djembes and other percussion. All of which Jordan carried out impeccably, creating a rich tapestry ..."
"We only did a tiny project but Emma was easy to work with and skilled at the job. After this experience I will definitely make us of her services down the line"
"Consistently hits it out of the park!!! Matt's musicality is a huge plus. Amazing mixes, extremely detail-oriented, very skilled. Thank you so much."
"Tom provided valuable feedback, delivered quickly and with great quality, and was always available for communication. Highly recommended!"