Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Broken Static
Mixing $150 | Mastering $30 | Unlimited Revisions My goal is to get the very best out of your music. Making sure it connects not only with you, but with your audience.
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My name is Neldrick Martis, Producer / Mixer and Mastering engineer living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I work out of my studio based near the city center of Amsterdam.
Classically trained musician and engineer pushing the boundaries of modern music while being respectful and faithful to art of production, mixing, and mastering.
A young, freelancing Sound Engineer with over 12 years of experience in Audio Engineering. Contact me to get your song Radio-Ready!
I have been working professionally in music for 6 years now, developing a passion for recorded sound. I believe in the spirit of an artists’ voice, and I find it to be a great honor to help translate an artists’ best performance into something accessible to the public. I hope to be that for your next production!
With 11 years of experience I have been playlisted on the strongest music platform (Spotify) in TOP 50 of LATIN AMERICA and currently Playlisted on MINT MX with more than +1,000,000 streams and being played in more than 64 countries. Played stages in New York, Chicago, Paris and Mexico City. My sound stands out by composing and producing electronic
I produce and mix/master pop and electronic music.
Recent Successes
"Perfect track! It´s always a big pleasure for me to work with Janis together! I love his sound ideas and sound surprises which he drops to the tracks to keep them intriguing. Janis works very professionally and very ..."
"David was very easy to work with, followed my instructions to the letter, and achieved exactly the sound I was after with his vocals. I would have no hesitation hiring him again."
"She is Professional !!! We understood each other at once ) She made Piano Lead and Piano Arp. Fast and seriously! I'm recommending Lydia!"
"Brilliant. Very quick to reply, very quick to deliver and very high standard. Great pianist. "
"I always work with John on my songs because he always--ALWAYS--knocks them out of the park. We're only two songs deep into the next Twelve Days in June Record, and I am already so giddy about how it's going!"
"Fast answer, Good Communication, And great job, we did compare various other masters, with Daniel's, and we choose going with him, Great Quality, will keep working with him."
"Working with Wassily was so fun, he’s an absolute pro! He works very fast without compromising quality, really takes time to listen to you, your vision, your feedback and makes sure you are 100% satisfied with the res..."
"Pro quality. Love it!"