Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with may wave$
My name is Ilya Showtime, I am a music producer, sound engineer, composer with over 17 years on-the-job experience.
Perfection in everything is #1 goal in my work. Professional Sound producer with unique style. You’ll hear it, I promise
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Hi there, my name is Don. I have taught, performed and composed music for over 20 years. I specialize in Blues, Funk, R&B/Soul, Rock, EDM, Singer/Songwriter, Pop. I look forward to laying down some piano tracks for you, or full band arrangements. If you would like to hear some samples, please visit www.bol-Z.com. Hope to hear from you soon!
Need drums and bass for your rock, pop, blues or country project? I can do both for you. Need some weird synth noises, a punchy arp, or sound design? That too.
Session flutist. Pro musician for 10+ years. Specialisation in trap, EDM and electronic music with winds. Studied jazz and classical but produce more in hiphop, trap and electronic EDM styles.
Engineer / Producer with 40 years of experience, working alongside artists & bands from all parts of the globe. The genres I'm mostly versed in are: Rock, Heavy Rock, Alternative, Americana, Jazz, & Blues. The focus here at my place, is tracking a band live in our large open studio room, and then seeing it thru to mixing.
Get your projects mixed with a very good value for the money.
Welcome to my Soundbetter page. I'm here to help you achieve the best possible results for your music. I am a music producer and writer at my core, but I also engineer and mix/master. If this sounds like something you're interested in, shoot me a message. I'm happy to chat through anything.
We want your story to be Well Told. Whatever it is that you want to create, we are the place for it. We offer a professional space to record your music, write your songs, practice with your band, and more!
Recent Successes
"Reallly nice work, quick and professional!"
"He is truly gifted! Amazing talent! BEST EVER! Gifted by God. Great experience. "
"Perfect. In every way, he's the best artist and producer, no doubt he'll be the best partner. If you want to do kpop, get help from DR and give you the best results. 한국인 분들 혹시나 케이팝 작업을 계획중이라면 같이 하세요 최고의 파트너입니다 너무 만..."
"This is now the third track I have worked on with Jen in the last 2 months. Her professionalism, quality of recordings, palate of sounds techniques and ideas she brings to each project elevate the track in a way t..."
"Another Job with Stefano, with guitar and mastering. Although some language communication issues, job was nicely done."
"Grant is the most impressive singer you can imagine. Work with him!"
"I can honestly say I've found a new favourite guitarist...and now he's soloing on one of my songs! Amazing! I sent Jimmy a 30-second self-mixed track together with a YouTube video of a solo I liked. Jimmy understood e..."
"Yoed is a truly fantastic player! 5 stars everytime."