Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Max Sokolinski
Your #1 Singer in French, German and English - Lead singer and co-pilot of the band Bruises with Max Sokolinski & Grammy Award winner Randy Merrill.
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I'm a music producer and mixing engineer. Listen to my samples and see if you like what you hear. If so, perhaps we should work together.
I'm a Producer and Film Composer
100 MILLION + streams. 700k+ monthly Spotify listeners. Multi-genre recording artist. Songs on 90 Day Fiance / Love Island / Teen Mom / The Ultimatum. Singer for all genres with an emphasis on pop / EDM. Professional session singer experience of 15+ years & songwriter for songs on hold with 50 Shades of Grey 2 & Nashville the TV show.
Multidisciplinary From vocals(tuning, mixing) beatmaking to (Spanish Latin songwriting trending on the worldwide music market) if you are a creative but don't have a great voice or tuning I can fix most of it, if you are looking for sound like now days trending Latin artists contact ASAP a world wide market Is waiting fresh new music.
I responsibilities comprised a wide array of activities, as I was tasked with managing and coordinating the entire production for professional entertainers and performers. These included but not limited to: Conducting and directing the musical band; Coordinating and facilitating the production of live concerts; Managing of music
I can make your song come to life. Hand-Crafted and meticulous production to make your music sound how it does in your imagination.
Award winning Mixing/Mastering Engineer and Music Producer, Avid Certified Pro Tools User. Mixed music for Movies and TV shows. Clean and transparent mixes with unlimited revisions! Fast communication and timely delivery
Robert Alfieri, Regional Municipality of Niagarafavorite_borderfavoriteI am a strong versatile vocalist, songwriter, with live stage performing experience. I have solo wrote, recorded and produced multiple original songs (found on all streaming platforms). InterContinental 2020 Music Award winner for North American Pop R & B category. Looking to expand my portfolio through working with more professional musicians.
Recent Successes
"Dani is super incredible and down to earth we are enjoying our experience by far no ego with an impressive communication dedication ! Torrey"
"Working with Enlia it's been quick and easy. He understand the mood of the song straight away. "
"This song is the best work yet from Michael and his work before this was world class. I am so very fortunate to work with someone of his caliber of musical talent"
"Steve Fishman's Bass lines are gold. it's basically having a great legend from the golden era on my song. Seriously, Thank you for another beautiful bass line. "
"Super pro! Dialed in exactly the sound I wanted. Next track!"
"Alex did excellent job with stem mastering for my track! He is definitely one of a kind and can really take your tracks to the highest level! Highly recommend working with Alex and looking forward to many projects tog..."
"Great experience to work with Anna, really easy to work with and she seems funny too; She is very professional and find out easily the right direction of the song. Hope will we make a great record this time. Thank..."
"Quickest vocalist I've ever worked with! Thanks for doing your magic, Chase!"
"Great Job and Prompt Delivery I had my first recording with Felipe. I love the track! Not only is it an excellent recording, but very quick turnaround! I look forward to working with him again."
"This is my second time working with Eileen and she killed it as always, super easy to work with and she just knows what your song wants. can't wait to work together again!"