Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Martina Petric
I'm an award winning producer and songwriter and I've been working with several artists in the last ten years. People come to work with me because I love spending time exploring new ideas and get to know the inner artist we all have. Together we can bring emotion, passion, elegance and power to all your songs!
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mc3. hip-hop artist. spoken word poet. long island, new york
Hi there, I'm Jonny, a London based Sound Designer/Music Producer/Composer. I am a Master's graduate in Sound Design from Bournemouth University, and I am currently working at world renowned dance label Cr2 Records, and London based production company Baseroom Productions.
Danilo Toro on SoundBetter
$15,000+ :)
I make music of all kinds and would love to collaborate with you!
Rapper/ Singer
Groovy, hip and dynamic drummer
We understand how difficult it can be to keep the pace in today’s hungry content-driven world. Here at Invisible Heroes Productions our passion is to create unique, engaging music and video content for our clients, to help tell their stories and showcase their vision in the most creative way possible .
Recent Successes
"This is the first time I've worked with Chad, and what sets him apart from other guitarists I've worked with is the intangible creativity in his guitar parts, his perfect placement of the parts on the soundstage, and ..."
"Harold does excellent work."
"Just completed my second project with Mal - this time a full track production. A joy to work with - Mal's deep experience shines through, and he practically read my mind stylistically, so this project was butter-smoo..."
"Awesome drum track!"
"The beginning of a relationship for the love of great music"
"Austin did a phenomenal job with this track. We had a few twists and turns, but he came through like a champ. He even added some elements that were not there and brought out all that the song could be. Will be using h..."
"I’ve worked with Francesco a few times now. I’m running out of positive adjectives like amazing, brilliant, wonderful, and perfect to describe working with him! They’re all true. He’s a dream collaborator. Communi..."
"The sax solo Chase played on my song is the icing on the cake...thick icing!!"