Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mac Arnold
As an experienced live/session drummer, I would love to play on your album and/or perform with your band live!
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Music Composition since 1996. Mixing and Mastering since 2006. Sound Design.
Pushing buttons
You hire me for custom recorded high level multi style percussion for every thinkable musical situation. - I record overdubs, sounding 'dry', without effects/plugins. (You do the mixing in your session) - Editing and bouncing is done resulting in flawless hi res .wav/aiff files. - You get those files through ‘wetransfer’ or whatever suits you.
Thanks or visiting my Soundbetter page! • Producers Perspective •
Specialising in everything electronic, I have over 20 years real-world experience writing, producing, mixing and mastering for the dance-floor and also film & TV. If you are looking to achieve a level of quality that will appeal to club and radio DJs as well as grab the attention of labels, music supervisors and playlists you need look no further.
Are you in need of a professional sounding mix and/or master? Look no further. I've been mixing for about a decade now and i'm the right guy for your project.
Abolfazl Heidari (born 30June , 2005, in Babol, Iran) is an Iranian musician and composer with the artistic name of Abolfazl Heidari, who started his professional artistic career in 2023. Abolfazl was born in Babol and resides in Babol, Iran. He continued to compose independently until the age of 18, and At the age of 18, Abolfazl released his deb
Dreamy female vocals ready for diverse projects! I have experience leading or harmonizing professionally in americana bands, folk bands, country, some EDM collaborations, and I am currently in a psych-rock band. I can help write harmonies and get a high quality, clean track at home.
Recent Successes
"A great job! Skam R'Tist is an incredibly talented rapper, musician and wordsmith!"
"If this was the wild west, Nate is the best hired gun to handle the job. I needed razor sharp steel and he delivered."
"The mix quality report that Andres provided with his mastering service was invaluable. He provided feedback about my mix and even gave specific recommendations to give it a better balance so that the final masters cou..."
"Elliot's Mastering is perfection. He has mastered several of my original songs and he knows that more are on the way. I would not even consider going to anyone else. Very happy with Elliot. And.... excellent com..."
"Austin is the best for a reason! He works hard till you are happy and everything sounds great!"
"Cole Hardwick is the best singer songwriter that I have ever worked with. When we started working together she showed perfect communication and was very professional. I feel that some people may be scared away by the ..."
"Steven was great and helpful to assist for any adjustments to complete the mix! Thanks Steven Kubie Productions."
"Another successful project completed! He knows exactly how to execute your ideas! "
"L.M.C. trabaja en manera muy rapida y con pasión. Tiene talento para escribir letras. Consejo de trabar con ello espacialmente se necessita una libre interpretación de tu canción y se tiene solo una tema instrumental...."