Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Santile
GREAT GUITAR SOUNDING LINES, that's what i'll do for you
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Vietnam and UK based record producer, song writer, mix engineer and multi-instrumentalist.
Session horns and Soloist (saxes/trumpet/Flute and now Trombone) worked for many top artists. All genres considered. Bring the 'power of horns' to your music, 30 years experience.
It's all rock and roll.
Certified-Bedroom Producer and Mixer. Passionate about music of all genres. Multi-instrumentalist. If you want to sound special, get in touch.
Charting Hip-Hop, Pop, R&B, and Dance Producer Artists that have used my beats include The Eurotrip!, Paige Garabito, Bmike, Sumya, igobyneq, Tony da Kidd and numerous others. I have charted in multiple continents and look forward to doing so again with you!
Juan Alberto Guarneros Muñoz, conocido como Warneros, es un productor de música electrónica mexicano, compositor y vocalista del dúo Ego Warneros.
I'm a mixing engineer & producer with over 15 years of experience ! Credits include Alien Ant Farm , Betraying The Martyrs , Revnoir , Miss Velvet , Grey Daze and many more
Credits include: Phoebe Bridges, MUNA, Louis Tomlinson, Barns Courtney, Sea Girls & Many More
Recent Successes
"Once again a great collaboration with Richard. He comes up with very good melodies and ideas for lyrics. Once he starts the songs he is on the job everyday until it is done and until I am fully happy. And I am happy o..."
"I firmly suggest Merty, his work, his correspondence, his temperament and assimilation is august. The manner in which he assists with making the outcomes to the higher level results in extraordinarily appreciating him. "
"Dan will work for hours on end to get the proper drum groove your song needs. He's a true professional. "
"Really interesting working with Stephen. Perfect communication, and over all, he has an amazing POV of the work and had the talent for taking it to other level. Thank you so very much"
"Theresa is amazing. Amazing vocals. Amazing attitude and work ethic. Perfect all round."
"Zeff was great to work with, knew exactly what to do and did it with plenty of time to spare. Very high quality recording and amazing playing. I won't hesitate to hire him again!"
" david k. Josh is literally a Saint! Smashed the rap vocal out the park, in record time and nailed my terrible mock brief! Look forward to working again!"
"Klaas was a joy to work with! His instructions on what to send him (re: stems) are very thorough but it also makes his job easier and streamlines the process. I'm very happy with my new song and I'd be happy to work w..."