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Live drum tracks in Argentina who worked with Argentina
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I am a professional Leader passionate by music. I played the Drums for more than 8 years and I am experienced in Recording, Mixing, and Sound Design. I am graduated from Musitechnic's Audio and Music Production techniques program 2014.
Music Producer from Argentina, specialized in electronics and heavy music or dance music.
Music and Audio specialist with past clients including the BBC and Condé Nast
30 years of experience in music business
I have been producing & engineering in hip hop + r&b for over 8 years now. With credit's featuring Duckwrth, Chuuwee, and many others, I can point you to affordable instrumentals as well as achieve a thick + wide mix for your next single or project (whether it be with vocals or not).
Let us add horns to your records!
Multi instrumentalist, producer, writer, + sound designer, Patrick Hemington is the producer you should hire if you want someone who will share in your passion for your art. As an artist myself, with a background in performance art, I didn't take a conventional route to becoming a professional, but i do believe my unconventional approach led me her
Escribo desde hace más de 25 años y he colaborado con artistas independientes de mi país.
Recent Successes
"Another amazing project done by Krysta. Vocals were awesome! Cant wait for the next project!"
"Eileen is a really talented singer. She has an incredible voice with an impressive vocal range and a natural feeling for what is the best interpretation. She works very fast, efficiently, following carefully recomm..."
"Klaas is a legend in the edm community with his music as well as his accolades with soundpacks. It is great that he is accessible and easy to communicate with. I enjoy working with talented people who have such gre..."
"Fast, responsive, great playing, an engineer's ear - I hope to work with Brad again!"
"I've just finished working with Majime on a track and he took it to the level it was needing and added so much value to it. I've loved working with Majime, he is really talented and understands your vision. I'll be se..."
"Simon understood the subtleties of my request and delivered perfectly. A pleasure to work with him."
"Otto is a great songwriter and amazing performer. Very happy we've connected!"