Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lily J Evans
You probably want someone to produce and/or co-write your song that has shown musical promise since childhood. Some of my earliest memories consist of me being awe-struck by how a song affects my emotions. That is still my end game; making music that moves people.
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Top Ten South Sudanese Hip Hop lyricist, Pro Tools HD Certified Audio Engineer, Hip Hop Producer and Beat Maker.
Midland Studio Records based out of Harrington, DE. We are focused on affordable mixing, mastering and production assistance for local musicians.
"Once played music is in the air- gone forever... ...preserve it!" Two German guys, having fun and success in making music for more than 15 years, each!
The heart creates rhythm which commands the body to move space. Sound Designer, Sound Mixer, Drummer
I am a professional Saxophonist and Composer
Small man in a small space creating beautiful tone.
An exceptional Venezuelan composer, cuatro and guitar player, Latin Grammy winner, who earned the Bachelor of Music Degree in Composition from UNEARTE (Experimental University of the Arts) Venezuela. He has shared the stage with very acclaimed musicians.
Media composer with an eclectic portfolio of work for short films, documentaries, video games and more. I have recently completed an MA in Composition for Film and TV at the University of Bristol, result pending. My portfolio continuously is expanding through collaboration with exciting up-and-coming creatives.
Recent Successes
"Splendid attention to detail once again. I can hear all the instrumentation with more clarity and nuance after having the master.. a lot of body and warmth added. Highly recommend Mike for your mastering needs. Also v..."
"Very professional work from Brandon! Everything was smooth and the changes I wanted was made perfectly in a few hours. And I am more than happy with the final lead vocal"
"Mickey, has become my only mixer and master-er for my songs. She has prove to me and I am in barest to say it, that women can mix great too. I played my songs in some of my friends cars and trucks that have systems an..."
"Got back to me with the initial mix and all the edits in a very timely manner. Super easy to work with, and track came out exactly how we wanted it!"
"Working with Koncrete Productions you can expect a very versatile and experienced set of collective skill and resources, first class timely communication and a team passionate about delivering results based on whateve..."
"Always easy to work with and she gives you what you ask for on lead and bgs."