Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lee Adams
Commercial pop/EDM producer and songwriter with multiple composition and production credits over the years. I have also mixed many different genres for both commercial major label artists as well as artists on independent labels.
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My name is Sean and I'm a professional mix engineer living in Toronto, Canada. I attended the Pacific Audio Visual institute where I graduated from the Audio Engineering and Music Production program in 2011.
Hello! My name is Taylor, I am a session drummer and producer based out of Nashville, TN. $150 Per Track
Helping you sound the best you can.
London based artist sharing her own projects.
I am Helppi Smith, bass player based in Dominican Republic, producer, musical director & live arranger.
Songwriter able to hop on any sort of genre. Have had the privilege to work with a high-profile roster of artists. In addition, also signed to RMSP.
I've written hooks for rap artists and pop artists such as Killer Mike, Meka, Freak Nasty, Turkish and international artists. I've worked as a songwriter for producers NO I.D., LROC, Bellringer, and Travis Cherry. I've also written and released several EDM singles and collaborated with the Winter Music Conference to produce mixtapes.
Recent Successes
"This is now my third track with Austin. His patience, professionalism and overall dedication to providing the perfect mix & master is something special. He is exceptional in every right. A rare find on SoundBetter and..."
"AJ has a wonderful voice and can inject a high level of professionalism into your project to really bring it alive. If I do another project I'll definitely be looking AJ up again."
"Jimmy was the first unfortunate person I had to work with here on SoundBetter :-P, but he dealt with it just the way I wanted. His honesty can really change the whole workflow. I'm very happy with how we managed to wo..."
"He is a really talented aggressive and technician bassist. I love his bass."
"Dan is an incredible Singer, Really enjoyed working with him! He gives 110% of him to every project, he is the right guy for you!"
"Brandon has been such a cool guy to work with....Such great 'feel' 'groove', and turned around the 3 songs super quick ! with 3 or 4 takes of each song. Actually just sent him another song I'd like him to play on !"
"Too notch master from Tom. We have worked with a few mastering engineers and he is the best hands down. "
"If you need first class vocals with a big understanding for your vision, Joey is your man!! Thank you for this one!"
"Awesome work here! She can do it all, she's the best! Very talented! Recommend! Thank you so much!"
"Fantastic Musician, very professional, prompt, talented, excellent communications"