Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Latocha
Grammy nominated vocalist and songwriter who prides myself on working with creatives all across the globe! Available for: Vocal Session work, Lyrics and Topline (melody) writing, Songwriting, Instrumental Full Productions, YouTube recordings.
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Mix-Engineer available for mix-sessions, remixes, productions and mastering.
Music Producer & Musician (Piano, Cello, Bass Gtr)
Id love to help! :)
Music production for cheap reasonable prices.
Unique mixing with different genres. Produce techno and electronic pop
Audio and Mixing Producer. Worked in the music industry for more than 10 years. Member of Latin GRAMMY winners Viniloversus. https://www.juanvictormusic.com/
Get a professional and modern sounding, well mixed track
Recent Successes
"All-around A+. Took his time with the 10 songs I sent him & gave them all that crisp professional sound I’ve been looking for. Nate was the first engineer I’ve had that got my sound right. You can’t go wrong with him!"
"Great attitude and exactly what I was looking for! "
"It was a great experience working with Andres. First time I've had the opportunity to have the sort of mix coaching provided here, prior to mastering. And very pleased with the outcome: a splendid sonorous result. Hig..."
"Nice collaboration with the Crushboys once again! Thanks my friends!"
"Absolute WOW - Alice was everything a producer could ask for in a vocalist! Timely, professional, and GIFTED. She is a GENUINE diamond-platted star. Did you listen to her demo?! I can only pray we work together again ..."
"A brilliant arranger, and masterful producer, Steve creates stunning string parts - leaving listeners awestruck. A complete pleasure to work with. Steve continues to be my "go to" guy for almost all of my music"
"Top! Second time we worked on a dutch project. Good recordings, great voice."