Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Latitudes
Vibraphone Sessionist Walter Yones, offers professional vibes recordings in his home studio for your track, provided to you in your preferred format, jazz or any style of music.
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I'm a professional violinist / arranger / orchestrator / educator Mainly work at my home studio in Indonesia, and available to travel, & available to travel to anywhere in the world
My work philosophy is to start any new project by building a good relationship with you so that we can achieve the goal you want by working well together. With my skillset and network your project can be a reality. I'm looking forward to work with you.
Hey! I'm an artist and record producer. My main focus is House, Latin Urban, EDM.. I promise I will work to get your song to the PROFESSIONAL industry standard.
Available to bring your productions to the next level whether it's mixing or mastering. Specialized in Techno , Melodic Techno , House Music .
I am Maella, a pop/alt pop singer - songwriter with over 3.5 million streams on Spotify. My specialties are: catchy melodies, authentic lyrics and recording studio quality vocals.
Wanna Sound like a big rock band? I'm the One!
¡Me encantaría hacer música contigo! Tengo más de 10 años de experiencia en estudio y proyectos musicales de diferentes latitudes. Uso equipos de alta calidad de la industria y me caracterizo por aprovechar cada momento creativo para que juntos hagamos una experiencia única. ¡Un gran producto musical!
We are a company focused on services for Music Industry.
Recent Successes
"The second time I collaborated with Aly. Once again amazing vocals that exceeded my expectations. If you want grandiose vocals, look no further!"
"Cat was absolutely amazing and very professional the whole way through! Very quick to respond and open to my suggestions! I highly recommend her! Thank you "
"Emma is our favorite person to work with hands down. She is incredibly talented and fully understands what quality work entails. She is detail oriented, quick to respond and really genuine--all rare qualities. Could n..."
"I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Tim Sanders of the Kick Horns recently and I am absolutely blown away by his exceptional skills and professionalism, I would highly recommend Tim and the guys to anyone..."
"Very talented writer! Very responsive and easy to work with. Highly recommended!"
"Bram did it again! Amazing work on getting my remix mastered! Phenomenal work! It's a pleasure to work with someone who is professional, keeps his word, and follows up with you every step of the way. Will be back soon!"
"Juan was an absolute treat to work with and delivered an excellent mix/master for my song. Quick turnaround, very responsive and good communication. I will definitely work with Juan again and I highly recommend him! "
"Not my first job with David and certainly not my last, when I have to make the vocal tracks of one of my songs perfect I entrust them to him. Professional, helpful and fast! Super recommended, can't wait to start a..."
"Matty has an ability to give you a high quality mix and master while being very easy to work with. Matty tackled the few notes I sent him with speed and accuracy. I will be back with more projects for sure."