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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lake Fever Sessions video series - Recording Engineer - Mixing
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Hey we are a Team of DJ's, Producers & Artists. We can handle everything from mastering, over mixing to recording. We also got great Beats and a professional team. Also offering Musicvideos and Homepages! I am part of the Team. My Job is to find new customers, offering Deals, makin Beats & I'm a DJ and a Songwriter. i guess that we can help out
Hello! My name is Eduard Marius Arnautu, I am 27 year old composer, currently finishing a bachelors in Music Production at the Conservatory in Copenhagen. Fiddling and experimenting with a lot of genres, trying out new dimensions.
WE BELIEVE THAT - Powerhouse for Believers
A carioca brazilian singer and songwriter (lyrics in portuguese and english). Recently released the album "Forever Green" with the participation of excellents brazilian musician. One of the album tracks is on at Brazilian Blend a musical program of brazilian artists at ORTS Radio in Neetherlands. Main styles: Bossa Nova, Jazz, MPB, POP, Samba
Full time professional audio engineer / producer with over 10 years of experience.
I am a perfectionist to the very core and will make sure my work demonstrates the passion I have for music.
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Full Production: Recording/Producing/Mixing/Mastering
Recent Successes
"If, as a songwriter or producer, you are looking for a passionate, professional and extremed skilled singer, this is the one. His voice range, powerfull vocals and the skills to create and record harmonies are, in a w..."
"5/5, Rob pays so much attention to the details, especially the vocals. Amazing work mixing and mastering my song! Will be back for more!"
"Chris has a fantastic voice and range and ability to add to your ideas. Real pleasure to work with! Tim"
"Yoed is a professional on every level and went above and beyond to ensure I got what I needed. So happy with the result, and will be using him for years to come. "
"Brandon came through again, with a lively, catchy and festive melody for some Christmas lyrics I had written. His composition is first rate and he's got a stellar voice. I will be reaching out to Brandon again for sure."
"Loved working with Claudia. She was kind, professional, fast, and communicates so well! I will be working with her again. "