Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La Ludwig Band
Hi! In my 7 years of experience I worked with Rosalía, El Guincho, on mainstream TV Shows and Films for Netflix and Apple, as well as a wide range of local artists. Expert in production, sound design, and songwriting. I can record toplines, produce beats, or add sounds (vocals stacks, guitar, bass, synth). Let's work together! ENG/ES/IT/CAT
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I am a Sound Engineer, Producer, Mix and Mastering engineer attending the most presticus Sound Engineer education at Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, Denmark
Experienced musician/sound engineer, MAI (Music Academy International, in France) graduated in Jazz/Fusion speciality. I evolved in different styles of music during my career, and put me at service of music is my motto. Always open to new encounters and musical experiences is my motivation, the human and the music my key words. Meet us...
The Beat Drugz Lord We Inspire Creativity Are You Creative, Then Let’s Work, And Manifest A Legacy Together
So, you want it all. Got a catchy song but something's missing to get it on the level it deserves to be? Curious about your baby's X-Factor in the dark? Lets have a listen, a talk, a work, and then a hitting Pimp-Up. 15 years of Industry. Multiple Chart Entries and Millions of Streams. As music has heart... and has to be worked out like that. SEE U
A versatile producer, composer and mixing engineer with over 7 years of experience in EDM, Film Scoring, Hip Hop and Pop.
Attention to detail, fun and soul alongside technique are the things that distinguish my playing and approach to music.
Recent Successes
"It was great working with Lucido, he gave me the perfect track for a metal song I am working on. Bravo!"
"Sohta is a very knowledgeable engineer. Even though we worked remotely on my project (Boston - LA) I always felt like he was right around the corner for any questions, comments or revisions. His experience had a po..."
"Joseph was really attentive to addressing all of my feedback and got the song to the exact place I wanted it to be! So happy with what he produced and would definitely hire him again. "
"This guy is a genius when it comes to Mixing! He took my song to the next level. Can’t wait to work with him again!"
"Amazing!! Live working with Austin "
"He was super easy to work with. Michael is very professional and super quick to answer. I will be contacting him in the near future for some more work!"
"Dustin did fantastic work tuning up my drum tracks, with a good turnaround. I highly recommend."
"Bram is just an absolute joy to work with. Super easy to chat to.. quick and clear communication is everything.. as well as delivering a brilliant mix & master. Thanks again for helping my music shine brighter. :-)"
"Incredible person to work with. Fast and easy to get your ideas across. Ryan definitely help elevate my track and I hope to work with him on another project shortly. "
"Darren is the best. Superb vocals, really nicely recorded and goes out of his way to do the best job possible. "