Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LAME The Producer/Sizzling The Pot
I'm not good, I'm great.
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Hi, my name is Maxim Kokarev, I’m happy to welcome you on the page of my mixing studio.
First artist in music history to write, engineer and release a new song every day.
Our strong point is the commitment in all the phases of the production to guarantee the best sound quality.
I there, I will professionally Mix and Master your sound by targeting the perfection.
Rahul Kamboj is an Indian musical artist . He was born on 5 MAy 2004 in Anupgarh. Art, artist and talent have no age. Rahul Kamboj of Rajasthan is proving this thing right.
Would love to write you a song or play some guitar for your track. I can try and sing too if you like the sound of my voice. Also - I'm interested in mixing and mastering.
Punk rock, country, pop, to movie trailers. Years of concert sound has let me experience the energy of the best live shows. Let me bring out the summation of all your talent and hard work and let's bring that energy to your audience.
I am a seasoned multi-instrumentalist with mixing and mastering skills that can help see your project to completion.
Recent Successes
"Really great work and professional. I recommend his services. You won't regret it."
"Brandon is a fantastic vocalist! He delivers exactly what the song needs, with perfectly comped vocal tracks that are ready-to-go. He's good, he's fast, and he knows what he's doing. Definitely highly recommended!"
"Chad’s guitar service is impeccable! You’ll get world class electric and acoustic guitar performances, arrangements and they’ll come perfectly edited. And as icing on the cake, Chad’s a fantastic guy!"
"Great work as always! Very professional and always eager to help if any questions arise. He understands the fundamentals of sound design and song structures, but approaches it in a friendly manner compared to other pr..."
"Thank you, Lydia for another beauty of a piano track. Perfect fit, full of Lydia and yet still in keeping with the reference. Such a pro! And a fast one too. What a blessing to work one of Nashville's finest!"
"He rocked my track. Really good lyrics and I love the sound of his vocal its really taking my track to the next level :D Would work with him again."
"Ashley produces very high quality vocals that sounds very similar to Ariana Grande!"
"Andres does outstanding work! I am very pleased with the final product. He took the time to make sure that everything was right throughout the entire process. I am forever grateful for that! "
"Clear and professional from the first message, with a fantastic and powerful voice. it has been a pleasure to work with her!"