Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LAME The Producer/The Resume Beat Tape
I'm not good, I'm great.
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Tech and Business focused creative with 7 years of experience in music theory and technology.
I'm a producer & beat creator from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have done multiple big pop productions as well as beats for rappers and other artists.
Soulful specialist who play for the song and the mix/arrangement. I work regularly with top producers and artists. Latest credits include Alina Baraz, Yuna, Aloe Blacc
We are perfectionists and provide proactive academic writing service. We passionately craft your papers and go the extra mile to improve the quality of your work.
¨ La calidad y el sonido bien ejecutado es mi prioridad ¨ es una de las frases que entendí al momento de compartir: Aterciopelados, los autenticos decadentes entre otros Hola a todos bienvenidos a mi perfil donde me dedico hacer lo que mas me gusta y es ayudar a todos ustedes aportando ideas desde la batería Si necesitas creatividad QUEDATE AQUÍ!!
Just doing my thing out of pure love for Electronic Dance Music ❤️
I am a Moscow-based professional mixing engineer and composer. I write music for TV and commercials and work with indie and alternative musicians in my own studio full of vintage analog gear. I'm a graduate of the best Russian sound engineering courses by Musicheads.
Recent Successes
"Working with Nick is the best. He always shows up prepared, ready to work, and ready to have fun. He brings such an amazing energy to the song and to the recording process!"
"Andrei is a very talented producer and was a joy to work with. He delivered exactly what I was looking for and was a great person to collaborate with. Time efficient, enthusiastic and dedicated to giving the best resu..."
"I just discovered Rory here on site, few weeks ago, without having any raitings on his profile, but listening his previous works, I said - Yes, this is one of the best option here, on Soundbetter to fit on my dance pr..."
"Alex is super professional, nice, easy to communicate with and willing to go the extra mile!"
"I've been making music for awhile now and everything I've had mixed for me was decent, but I wanted the quality to be elevated. Vic's craftsmanship, attention to detail, understanding, and charisma all exceeded my exp..."
"Greg played drums on another one of my tracks this week, this time a funky, soulful one. As usual Greg absolutely nailed it, adding interesting and tasteful dynamics and really tuning in to the song. I can't recommend..."
"100 percent reliable with 100 percent communication throughout the process. Always hits the mark!"