Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Keziah Who
Tenured but versatile mix and master engineer with a strong ear and technical skill to produce polished final products ready for consumption
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I am a Dove Award Nominated Recording artist, Music producer, and Singer-Songwriter featured on songs with Drake, Lecrae, Trip Lee, Bobby Lytes, Hopp, and many more. I have also written and produced songs for EMPIRE on FOX, Virtue, OMG Girlz, Drumline 2, The Fosters, and many other shows on the ABC Network.
I am a singer , composer and a song writer. I am an Indian classically trained singer and I can sing any kind of genre. Versatility is the key to my kind of music. I love creating experimental stuffs too. I produce all genres of music ranging from Classical to EDM. Please let me know if you have any requirements regarding any of my musical services
Experienced in studio recording, mixing & mastering, both as a player but also as a producer, I can help you mix & master your track and take it to the next level!
Modern Production, Killer Vocals, Glossy Mix, Topline - I can bring your ideas to life!
I am an indie musician for 10 years
Buy nice tracks !
Maya Studio is a recording studio from Argentina, with over 15 years working in the music industry. We currently have a team of 10+ engineers and music producers who actively work in different genres: Rock, pop, música urbana, folklore, soundtracks, and more.
I'm a bass player that likes to keep things simple
Recent Successes
"Knows his stuff. Friendly and fast, will change his work if needed. Hope One day we can make something better together."
"It was a pleasure working with Austin. He Mixed and Mastered all songs on my Album except one. He is very professional and great at his work. I will always use him for future projects! "
"Great work his master services rock!!"
"I've worked with Ziv several times now, and we had yet again another awesome collaboration! This time around I sent Ziv what was basically a fully finished track, and he still managed to dissect it and add a ton of fl..."
"Inspired. Asuka played beautiful Koto magic and gave a new life to my song. I'm thrilled and frankly quite speechless."
"Second time working with Sunny and he’s truly a maestro when it comes to mixing and mastering! 🎶❤️ Best work we’ve ever seen/ heard!!!"
"Hugo did an OUTSTANDING job and provided several versions of a saxophone solo from me to choose from in an impressively timely manner. I look forward to working with Hugo again and you should too for your next project!"
"Chuck was an amazing partner on this creative journey! He was super attentive to what I conveyed and also added his own flares to things which is exactly what I was looking for. He typically responded within 24 hours ..."
"Grant is amazing. He's not only talented in his musical vision, but he's emotionally intelligent about the feelings behind songs. The combination not only enhanced my vision for the song but allowed his own instincts ..."