Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Ship of Theseus
I am a classically trained musician, less interested in Bach and more into recording System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, and Tool with professional orchestras.
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Professional singer/songwriter/producer with over 100 million streams. Rare baritone voice is suited for low crooning styles and also high emotive/haunting falsetto. Will work to any brief and comp and edit the vocals and add doubles, adlibs and vocal effects as requested - will work with clients until they are completely happy.
Got a great song? My mixing and mastering services will give your music the sound fitting for the world to hear.
Producer credits on ADIDAS London, BMG Music, Ninja Tune production music, Evolution Media Music,... Rhythmically driven producer obsessed with groove movements and vocal performances. My sound is a diverse combination of hard percussive elements, smooth futurist synths, and groovy melodies.
2 certified Gold Record in Italy, musician but technician, I combined both to love music totally in every part of the creative process. I'll give to your track the italian mixing flavour!
20 years old student trying to grow a portafolio in this media. I've worked already recording vocals, producing songs, jingles and composing for short films. I can work on Logic Pro, Ableton and Cubase.
I record, mix and edit Rock music. As a former touring guitar player I’ve built a world class studio specifically for recording and mixing Rock music.
My name is Mc, also known as FoTeenTacs. I am an artist and songwriter, independently producing my own music. My primary genres include rhythm and blues, electronic dance music, and rap, though I am versatile and can write across various genres. In addition to songwriting, I create soundtracks for video games and collaborate with other artists.
I produce hip hop music any kind of hip hop I'm not that we'll known but I'm good at what I do
Recent Successes
"It was great working with Jen, super talented with incredible voice, willing to listen, adapt, and deliver an energetic and gripping performance! "
"It was a real pleasure working with Kyleen - she brought the parts to life! It was great that she was able to play both violin and viola parts, too. Incredible musician. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her!"
"Jeronimo is the real deal. A superb communicator, he aimed to understand my music on as deep a level possible. He has the unique quality of being a skilled mix engineer AND a talented songwriter. As a songwriter, he g..."
"Kudos, Ms. Gavaletz. Spot on."
"It was great having Chris conjure up a full acoustic demo for this original song. He's massively talented with such great musical abilities and sensibilities. And the voice, what a great voice, so perfect for country."
"I was praying for a hit and Anthony made it happen. With a focus on timely revisions I never lost faith. Straight up pro."
"Lost count on how many tracks we have together so far!"
"João's technique and creativity are amazingly good! He nailed it with perfect guitar sound!"