Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kaki Santana 667
I will write your Lyrics about the feelings of sadness, darkness, loneliness, frustration, breakups, heartbreaks, depression, emptiness. I can write both in English and French. I can also make beats to allow you to express your emotions.
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Music Producer
I'm an expert ProTools operator and editor having worked on a number of major productions such as: Three Days Grace, Barenaked Ladies, and Walk Off The Earth. Satisfaction guaranteed.
We do what we love brining a persons musical passion to life.......period.
Looking for that studio sound? Still want the organic home sound? Bring your mix to LA SALA STUDIOS, the living room of all music. We cater to all styles of music and artist! Welcome to LA SALA, your mix away from home.
I am a London based producer / artist / mix / master engineer with over 10 years experience working on state of the art digital and analog set ups. I produce a variety of music from hip-hop to dance music but am happy to help you with whatever music you need completing. I also can provide lyrics and vocals. I look forward to working with you!
Situs Roulette Online Terbaru 2022
Hi, I'm Jp Roldan, producer, composer and sound engineer from Medellin, Colombia, passionate about audio and Latin music. I have worked for more than 7 years in projects of Hip Hop fusion, reggaeton and Colombian popular music. I specialize in production, recording and mixing. I like to enhance ideas and take them to the highest level.
PRO Mix & Master Engineer Clients released on Warner Music, Plateau Music and more
Recent Successes
"The vibe and energy was amazing. it was a collaborative effort and the song came out great! looking forward to work with him more songs and I would highly recommend him for songwriting, vocal production etc! "
"Fede was so kind & accommodating. He also suggested I use a live drummer & wow, what a difference it made! He's easy to work with, communicates clearly & knows his stuff. I highly recommend him."
"Amazing, She has great gift. Voice is so beautiful and comfortable. Bailey was professional and easy going to work with, I recommend working with her!!"
"What a pleasure to work with Mark. He was the consummate professional and the track he sent was perfect. Even better he communicated throughout the session and he cared about my song- which is the ultimate to a songwr..."
"I'd highly recommend Joe to anyone! He sent over a beautifully played and recorded cello part in a timely manner. Communication was excellent throughout the process and made my life a whole lot easier."
"He arranged music for a high school full orchestra and choir. Speedy, affordable, organized, and well done. Highly recommend. "
"Natalie is outstanding to work with. Her writing and tone is really out of this world, and she has amazing professionalism to match! Can't wait to work with her on more stuff"
"Mi Niño es un chingon! 🙌🏻 Absolutely love this men’s work. Amazing guitarist. "
"Aaron was fantastic. He was able to deliver the mastered track within one business day for a tight deadline and was able to deliver a high quality track back. He uplifted my track and was able to clean up some of the..."
"This was my second time working with Chris and he was super professional, quick to communicate and listened to my ideas for the track. He came up with a very creative bass line which enhanced the song. I highly recomm..."