Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jesse Green - Both Sides Now
World-class Jazz Pianist, Piano Accompanist, Composer, Recording Artist, Arranger, Studio Session Pianist. Specializes in Jazz, Smooth Jazz, R&B, Vocal Accompaniment Arranged Bobby Caldwell's WYWDFL for Big Band ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ6aOEYIkkg ) ( https://open.spotify.com/track/3Ioa7ekUCSJXedwaOCXwtb?si=80f222ddd9304478 )
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Your music, perfected: precision mixing and production for a truly immersive sonic experience. +18,000,000 total streams on Spotify and counting.
Jack of all trades. B.S. in Music Production from Full Sail University. Over 10 years of industry experience. Always looking for cool projects.
I'm a new, prospective mixing specialist. I'm looking to obtain a degree to become a professional mixer/mastering professional. I have 2 years of experience, but when it comes to learning, I'd rival myself with those who'd have more years of experience. I love mixing and producing, but my mixing is far greater in terms of quality than producing.
As songwriters and producers we have received multiple top chart placements in multiple territories including the recent #1 Jpop album. We are veteran producers and mix engineers
Vincent Gross is a dynamic performer with many diverse talents as a jazz vocalese/crooner artist, trumpet, flugelhorn and cornet instrumentalist; bandleader, composer, arranger, audio producer and voice over.
Versatile singer.
It's always about why! Let's work on who together!
+20.000.000 Spotify streams / Spinnin, Revealed, Enhanced releases / Nicky Romero collaborator / Support by: Armin van Buuren, Alok etc. / Sony Music releases / world class producers and singer songwriter credits / Spotify Editorial resident / Spotify charted songs
Recent Successes
"Andrew is a super talented musician. He's always been so patient and helpful, and willing to provide as much as possible. For a new artist like me, he's a great friend and mentor. It's an amazing experience working wi..."
" I have now done 3 songs with Marcello, and every time he surprises me with good and talented he is! Thanks Marcello!! 🙏😁"
"Excellent producer. Great communication, creativity and sensibilities. Very happy with my new track. Thanks again Steve! "
"Harold d. I always get professional recordings from Lorne MacDougall. Also his collaboration and artistic interpretation and humor is great fun. I get absolutely usable recording works for my track mixes every time. "
"Trevor is a VERY cool and trustworthy person with a very calm and easy to work with demeanor. (Which for me is the most important thing) He is also VERY skilled in what he does so this combination is why I continue to..."
"Alex did in one week 5 awesome mastering for my movie. I highly recommend working with him !! :)"
"Josh was very diligent and helpful with dialing in the sound we were going for. He is very easy to work with and quick to respond with correspondence! Super talented and nice guy all around! Highly recommend working w..."
"And again, a supercool master result! Sounds great!"