Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jazz Step FM
I have 19yrs experience in the music industry, having started dabbling with engineering & production 23yrs ago. I've put in the 10k hrs needed to master the art tenfold; & feel well placed to offer up my services. Check the consistent quality in my discography, but appreciate that I'm versatile enough to help you achieve your desired sound.
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Touring live sound engineer with 30 years of experience in venues ranging from bars to stadiums.
Audio Producer With Skills In Mixing - Digital Mastering - Music Creation
15 years of experience in both studio and live environments.
If I can feel the vibe of your work, we can evolve it to something powerful!
I am a producer/engineer who makes quality content! I can make any track come to life and give it that fresh, clean sound you have been looking for!
I have performed on a wide variety of recordings ranging from Experimental Jazz to Rock. My passion is working with creative and thoughtful artists by finding the perfect sounds to convey their message.
Worked with notable artists such as eaJ, MAX, Crush, DPR Live, Rich Brian, Seori and many more. Also done work for JYP Entertainment, H1GHR Music, and Starship Entertainment. Currently working with avex developing new artists.
Recent Successes
"I had a very tight deadline and needed great vocals fast - Wild Fox delivered high quality vocals ASAP! Can absolutely recommend her :)"
"Andrew has a great voice, works fast and is great with vocals! It was a pleasure working with him and the result is amazing!"
"Natalis was wonderful to work with. Very professional and communication was key to getting this job done because of it being in a foreign language. We will work again.!!!"
"I'm so happy with the result again. I'm speechless. Thank you Lonny "
"Bruce Hoffman is a creative force who, if you choose to employ him, will add greatness to any track! I highly recommend!!"
"I am so glad that I found Patrick. He's very professional, gifted and patient. He makes sure that you are satisfied with the end product. It's always an amazing experience when we work together. I am a returning cli..."
"Skyye was flat out excellent. Incredibly professional and concise. Captured the essence of the project and added to it in an incredibly meaningful way. Would highly recommend and will in all likelihood work with her a..."
"Loved working with Karlo - he brings a certain freshness to the table and he is very good at what he does. One of the best Producers I have worked with"
"Working with Tom for the first time was an absolute pleasure. Amazing skills, fast and great communication, and a very nice guy. I'm really looking forward to my next project with him. "