Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jaycie J
Unlocking the potential of your raw creativity: Turning rough diamonds into polished gems, no matter the level of equipment you're working with. If you need velvety vocals on your track, or you want to elevate the mixes of your demos, you are welcome to reach out. Let's work!
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I am the producer, session musician and mixer for the home producer and the professional alike. Great tools, 20 years experience and a passion for creativity My mixes for clients have been on the radio, and I have composed music for some of the largest travel companies in the world including Tourism Australia, Globus, and Tourism Newfoundland.
Working remotely worldwide. Pure clean vocals. Range D3 - A5.Easy listening. EDM.Crossover.Musicals
Gecko Studios offers professional recording, mixing and music production services with a focus on imagination and creativity.
I'm one of the best ghostwriter. I write songs full of rhymes,wordplay and metaphors. My style is mostly abstract with metaphors or just rhyme heavy.
"Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory." - Oscar Wilde
The guitar is my primary instrument. I play like Trey Anastasio, Jimi Hendrix, Nels Cline, Jerry Garcia, Nai Palm, Deen Ween, Ty Segall, and Avey Tare --- but I prefer to work on music centered around sampling and rhythm. Ableton is my box. Tascam porta studio 424 is my passion.
I just do this in my free time. try me up.
Full service recording studio offering remote engineering.
Recent Successes
"Gabriel is super pro. as best as they come in contemporary singing styles. I work with him regularly"
"Nico is a “must work with” kind of producer. I can’t say enough about his creativity, professionalism, and ability to capture the exact feeling I wanted for each song. Highly recommended!"
"Working with Arron is incredibly efficient., He is able to translate a song and keep the musicality of the words while at the same time respecting the vibe of what you jave created. It was very fun and very emotionsl..."
"ALOU has been awesome to work with. He's fast, talented, and always making sure I'm satisfied. Highly recommended and I look forward to working with him in the future! 10 Stars."
"Very professional."
"This is was my first time working with Shelley and I was absolutely blown away by her performance- she has a unique voice and knows how to interpret songs in a way that does them justice- professionalism and responsiv..."
"Phenomenal, timely, responsive, groovy, and melody. I will definitely be working with Mark again for future songs!"