Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jack Boyanton
Hi! I have been a session guitarist for 16+ years and can perform, record, and deliver tracks in all styles of music (acoustic and electric guitar, specialty guitar, ie. 8 string, upon request). I am currently a member of the band, Her Leather Jacket.
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Badstring studio is mainly related to producing and recording contemporary music with elements of jazz, world and film music. It is equipped with high end gear, and temporary works for several documentary film companies around the world
I'm a singer, performer, and entrepreneur from Minneapolis, MN. I sing in Hmong, Thai, and English.
I have 20 years experience in sound engineering and production, specialised in surround, widescreen & emotional music elements in rock and electronica. I'm in several projects selling worldwide on cd/bluray/vinyl, covering from writing to mixing and mastering. Signed with UK indie major label & worked with many important alt-rock artists.
I'm a recording studio owner ("Off da record"), A unique music producer (mostly but not only hip hop), I do mixing and also I rap with more than a decade of experience. I can write lyrics, help coaching through the process of writing a song and work at my studio as much as I can. Worked with hundreds of artists, national and international.
Singer songwriter and lowprofile producer.
I have a passion for Hip Hop but a love for all music, I'm detail-oriented and driven by the storytelling of your track. Let me translate your vision and bring your songs to life!
My guitar stems are clean organized and always include options! I specialize in Vocal Mixes with background in Pop and Rnb Music. Guitarist for Jamie Fine, Mix Engineer at Mountain Way Studio. (Jamie Fine, Flight School, Lonelyboy, Okies, D.R.U.M productions) Reasonably priced, quick return & sure to appreciate the project as much as you!
100 Million+ Streams on my artist project. Producing, mixing, and mastering - quick and cheap at a professional level.
Recent Successes
"Not only does Amber have a great voice, and is professional, she had an uncanny ability to translate the vision I had. She also evoked the exact emotion I wanted in the vocal arrangement, and even more with her own fl..."
"song after song Carley continues to deliver a professional recording!"
"Dmitry works fast, asks the right questions, and his playing is superb."
"Such an amazing job. Clean and crisp sound, really helped the vocal sit upfront. Will definitely be working with Tom again. "
"Kyleen came up with another amazing string arrangement! It's always a pleasure working with her."
"Matt was wonderful to work with! He's great with feedback and made changes SO fast without sacrificing quality. THANK YOU, MATT!!!"
"Once again, Simon has been able to convert my vision of a song into an amazing sound, thanks to his enormous talent and empathy, both musically and personally. I keep being impressed by Simon's great talent and I loo..."
"This track is special. We ha an opportunity to perform this track for A & R FROM TOKYO. In a days time, (mind you me and daryl work together constantly) I had a mix in my hand days after funding the project. This is y..."
"First time working with Tom. He gave me great advice on how to make my mix better and did a fantastic job in all aspects. quick turn around, proffesional, and it sounds amazing."