Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Golden Spade
Trust me, I'm an engineer!
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I've been a touring musician and recording engineer for over 20 years. I came from the "Do It Yourself" world of recording out of necessity. I truly enjoy helping the DIY artists get the most out of their equipment and environment.
I have been a songwriter for a couple of years now and have worked closely with local artists to bring out the best in their inner artist. I appreciate all genres and appreciate all arts.
Bassist, Guitarist, Songwriter/Arranger who will put the needs of your song first to bring the best out of your project.
I am Hardacre Thomas a professional blogger at G.M.S. Wërks and a have keen interest in natural stones like honed marble, quartz, etc. related topics that helps in converting leads, and close customers. http://www.gmswerks.com/
I will give you the best mixing and mastering of international standards at relatively cheaper rate. I make world class beats also, and I'll do your work until you're satisfied with it.
One Stop Shop for all your Sound Production Needs!
My only goal is to make great songs, and make great songs greater!
Multi-Award winning Music Director, Producer and Film composer. Travis Scott, Don Toliver, Dj Khaled, Rhianna, and many more… www.hivefi.us
Recent Successes
"Wow! What a knock-out job and super nice guy! Not only did he provide me with the timbale part I had asked for but a great mix of additional percussion for me to chose from. I'll be back in touch for the next track fo..."
"Tony is a pro, he had a great feel for what I was trying to achieve and he took my song to another level. He's also very friendly and easy to communicate with. "
"It's the second time I have used Runar, and I am again very happy with the result and service. "
"It's been an absolute pleasure working with Lauren. Her work ethic and patience in completing her assignment is remarkable and inspiring and now look forward to working with her again as a result indeed."
"Every time I work with Johannes, I’m blown away. His attention to detail and ability to give me EXACTLY what I’m looking for makes working with him something I always look forward to. We will definitely be working tog..."
"Bram is great to work with! Always quick communication, accommodates changes and most importantly, high quality work. Looking forward to my next project with him! "
"Ethan is the best.s Absolute perfection on every song especially this one. He's sung most of my album of 14 songs this year and every one has been perfect the first time - never asked for one revision although, if I h..."