Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Huey V
I specialize in giving a major label sound to serious artists and producers. I pride myself on being open-minded, accommodating, and easy to work with. I want the creator to hear their vision in the final master so I always listen to the roughs and respect the intention of the artist and producer.
I am a mixing engineer and music producer, and I love to execute the artists vision within their music.
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Better Price. Better Sound. Sola Mastering provides excellent service and amazing sound at affordable prices.
Want you music to sound radio worthy?, Here at Lormat Audio Services that’s what we offer. We pour our hearts into each project to give it the best sound quality ever. Stop waiting for big name mixing engineer to start paying attention to you and start making you name "The Big Name" in the market, by letting us work with you.
Top flight engineer/producer in St. Louis. Looking to take on the world. Bring me your tracks and I'll use everything at my fingertips to give them that final 10% needed to make them shine.
Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Producer, and Jazz Guitarist.
I specialize in mixing and/or mastering music that falls under the Indie umbrella including Rock, R&B, Hip Hop, Punk etc.
Reader's Choice Award Local Musician Winner of 2019 Toronto.
ASCAP & Warner Bros. award-winning composer with 25+ years of experience in every genre of music. Let me create the perfect audio for your project.
Hello! I produce EDM, Pop music, and Film Scores. I offer services for Mixing and Mastering!
Recent Successes
"Very talented in many ways and has the drive to not only get you lyrics to fit your song perfectly but he’ll also make sure there is a vibe. A feeling to it. Amazing job. "
"I am currently producing an album full of original material that sounds like it was written in 1952-1962. Needed some old school soul harmony vocals...I gave Jimmy a very small idea of what I needed and let him go at..."
"Though Shrai works in a little bit different direction from me, he was able to fulfil my expectations and create a hit-sounding instrumental. He was listening very carefully to all my comments and suggestions, providi..."
"I was looking for a Trap Beat for my new Album. I got a lot of backing tracks from many mediocre producers, but I needed a professional producer. Domenico was right for me! Super fast, he sent me the right beat for..."
"It was a pleasure working with Noble. He was very patient, and professional. Made all the changes I requested and provided quality work. Would definitely recommend his services!"
"Austin did a phenomenal job on my recent track! He just read my mind and produced the music the way I had visioned it. Austin produced, mixed and mastered my track and I’m just ecstatic with the results! Can’t wait to..."
"No doubt I'm going to Freddie Banks for every project. Versatile, clean, professional. I made a few of suggestions as to what I wanted to hear thinking he would choose one, and run with it. He mixed them all in. No do..."
"Brian is amazing! Super patient and the quality was beyond incredible. Couldn't be happier and will definitely be working with him more in the future!"