Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hot Box
I am an audio post-production mixer in the film industry, and I work mainly on micro-budget films where we do not have the luxury of dubbing dialogue; I have to make it work with what we got in the field.
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Artist/Writer previously signed to Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins and Interscope records. Lets make some Hits! **Sorry just got back into my account! Lets work!**
Finding the groove since 1990. Mastered "Everybody Knows" newest album from rock guitar legend Stephen Stills and folk icon Judy Collins.
Creative and musical.
Having studied violin for a decade, I know how to read sheet music, but I also went on to learn piano, synthesizer, Ukulele, and I have an amazing banjo that I've recorded as well.
A seasoned songwriter/producer that can help turn your vision/idea into a reality. Top joker and very easy to work with as a bonus.
I will produce you high quality rap hip hop r&b trap beats
Mix the song, Make the Artist fulfilled and Leave!
I’ve Been Making Music Since I Was 14 And I Have Produced Over 200 Beats
Recent Successes
"Bruce, is an amazing artist one of the best ever! I will for sure be working with him again He knew exactly what i wanted and he delivered. I highly recommend him! "
"Darrell is a great drummer. Very good sound, fast and reliable. He gives suggestions and helps to create the perfect drumming for your track. Thank you."
"Was a pleasure to work with him. He was always working really fast and his ideas and Vocals are insane. Definitely going to work with him again!"
"Perfect as usual! Love to work with her"
"peep these guys for sure! Can make your song sound loud and proud"
"again a pleasure to work with Dan on this one. he is super talented, super fast, did lots more than agreed in the job and brought the song way beyond expectations. for sure not our last job with Dan....- he is THAT GUY!"
"Theia was sooo fast at recording the vocals, always happy to help and re-do takes while doing her best to meet my requirements! In love with the final takes, would definitely recommend!"
"Great production and pleasent business. Highly recommended guy!"