Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #Heirborne
I will produce, mix and master a song for you using my 6+ years of experience.
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Hello My name is Ana and I am Bilingual Sound Designer / Mixer and Music Producer from Colombia with over 12 years of experience in the industry especially in Advertising, Radio, Film, Tv, Live sound among others.
Composer, producer and session player (guitars, drums, keyboards) working out of his own studio on projects including composing/recording commissioned music for various media (including film, dance and theatre), producing albums for clients and also continuously working on his own original material.
LDN based music artist. Salty electronic music, made by the sea.
My name is Chiara Cotugno and I'm a professional drummer. I'm a session and recording drummer, but also a drum teacher and live performer. I also run a YouTube channel with over than 50k subscribers and 10 millions views on which I post drum covers, improvisations and solos.
I`m a producer, singersongwritter
Phoebe brings the natural essence of your song come to life with her unique warm vocal sound and one of a kind harmonies. Known through the Soul and RnB influences found in her voice and being one of the songwriters and singers on 'I just Wanna Feel Something' by Asiah reaching over 1.000.000 streams, she continues to deliver quality and character.
I'm a Grammy-winning mix engineer who will mix your tracks with some of the greatest analog outboard gear in the world in one of the best sounding control rooms anywhere. I want to give your music the vibe, energy and depth that only real hardware processing and analog mixing can deliver.
Experienced recording, mixing and mastering engineer worked in several recording studios around the world, always ready to take the needed care for your project because I care about the client's desires.
Recent Successes
"Parris was incredibly professional, super fast and totally nailed my vision for the mix on my next single. It sounds parallel to the radio and I feel elated to have such a top notch song to call my own. Just don't thi..."
"Many thanks to Austin! Great experience and I would definitely work with him again. Very patient and professional, this is absolutely necessary for my perfectionism."
"Chris was great! He has top-notch production skills and was so easy to work with. Highly recommend :) "
"Best mastering house I have used so far in my time releasing music. Well worth the investment if you are looking to upgrade your sound."
"It was a wonderful experience working with Erika!"
"Mia's a prolific songwriter!! I had trouble getting the lyrics of a song to 100% and she got us there! I'll definitely work with her again. Thanks Mia :) "
"Once again, Molly did a great job for us !!!! We have now worked together on three projects and will surely have more for her !!!! Arthur https://dreaminoutloudent.com/home"
"This is the second time that Dalton Allison mixed one of my songs. Best mixer out there! "
"I Needed That Brian Donohoe Treatment For My Original "In Me So Deep", and what I got was WONDERFUL! Thank you, Brian!"
"Awesome lyrics and vocals. Proud to work with Ray Van D"
"Working with Fred was a pleasure"