Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with the 97
My music has charted number 1 in the world, I have performed on festival stages, appeared on national television, and collaborated with leaders in the music industry, all while releasing my original music
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Jordan Oorebeek (also known as Jordan Orbek) is a mix engineer based out of Nashville, Tennessee.
I'm the new super producer of this generation,working with whole world.My music save lives.My compositions are not regular.Im wirking with musicians and artist from Europe,Usa,Africa...
Professional vocalist with 30 years of experience as a session rap artist, singer, and voiceover expert. No job too big or too small. Major corporate, marketing, jingle and event expertise.
Make your music sound as beautiful as your bae's heart
Saxophonist with Chaka Khan, Chris Botti, Antonio Sanchez, Mike Stern, Bill Champlin (of Chicago), Jakob Dylan, J3PO and many others. Graduate of the The Juilliard School (B.M. Jazz Studies, 2014) Experienced EWI performer and programmer using analog synthesizers (Sequential, Oberheim, etc.)
Cheap, fully written songs. I have over ten years of experience and millions of streams on my work.
Quality and experienced Production, Mixing, Mastering, Vocal Editing & Production! 2+ Millions Streams
Recent Successes
"Fanfant was friendly and the delivery was fast! I would like to work with him again :) "
"Just started working with him and in the last 48hrs Ive gotten nothing but great work. I am satisfied with what we accomplished as a team! Merty is very attentive and understands his clients wants and needs. Amaz..."
"Nacho did an amazing job on my song. He even made his own interpretation for me. Highly recommended."
"The undisputed champion "
"Sean also delivers great tracks; can also count on him! He is a super talented, creative musician and a very friendly teamplayer to work with. Highly recommended! "
"This is the second time working with Maria for mixing and mastering. The love and time she puts into her work really shows! The mixing and mastering she did elevated everything to another level and I couldn't be happi..."
"Dani was great, and was able to really transform our songs. He was super attentive to all our feedback and would definitely work with him again."
"I've done so many songs with Brandon and I'm always surprised at how he captures the tone and emotion of every song. And his voice is so gritty but warm."