Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with heavy eyes
Vocal specialist, song writer and top line melody writer that has worked with grammy nominated producers and artists for a decade.
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hi i have 4 years mixing and mastering music experience with 2 audio production qualifications at a distinction level
I am Co-Signing this Artist his name is CatSkill get familiar! - Clinton Sparks.
I bring my 20 plus years of skills, talents and enthusiasm in music recording, mixing and mastering to a project where my contributions can help produce a winning product.
Have no Grammies but your song would still sound great if I mix it.
Sismic is Paolo Nofi, since 2008 he has appeared in various compilations.
Do It Smart, Right From the Start!
I absolutely love to create original music weather be for live performance or soundtracks for movies. Looking forward to working with amazing professionals with great personalities and explorative ideas.
Recent Successes
"I think Tom is psychic because he seems to inherently know exactly what I want for my songs. His approach to playing the drums is inspiring me to take a much closer look at my songs. Re-tracking has never been so mu..."
"Working with Mechi absolutely TOPed all my expectations. Her voice is incredible and the final vocal pack is beyond professional, very accurate and easy to work with. Absolute studio quality!! Communication was very s..."
"Super talented producer. Highly recommend for anyone looking to take their beats to the next level. I worked on a pop record with Gavin and he was fast, concise and diligent in finding ways to emphasize important part..."
"An amazing songwriter, definetly recommend her for your projects! The quality is amazing!"
"There is a very good reason Rob's reviews look like they do. He is amazing! So great at what he does, but also such a great human being. I honestly cannot put into words how amazing and easy working with Rob is!"
"Daniel continues to deliver on excellent production and session guitar! I have enjoyed and appreciated working with him on each of the songs of mine he has recorded. I definitely recommend him and his services and wil..."
"She's an absolute musical genius. I've worked with her twice already and everything she has created for me has been top quality. I can't recommend her enough. Thanks and looking forward to the next one!"
"First Class Mixing Engineer :) Thank you for the great Mix!"