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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Heavy Air
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I won a Grammy in 2019 for the New Age Album, "Opium Moon". I have 40+ years experience playing on over 1000 movies, including Frozen 1 and 2, Moana, Black Panther, X-Men, Transformers and Batman. Countless TV episodes and records. I am both a session player and a live musician. I have performed with the LA Phil and many other local orchestras.
Hello everybody, i live in Germany/Berlin and i am a true Audionerd. My Mixing philosophy is to serve the Song and to achieve that i use digital and analoggear in combination with a lot of years experience doing that as a musician and as engineer.
No gear talk, just focusing on elevating your production to the best level :)
Swedish/American songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and mixing engineer.
Brian Gigerich is a 4X billboard charting mix engineer. Credits with Wu-Tang, Lil Boosie, Sada Baby, D-12, Juvenile, Gudda Gudda & many more .
If you want PLATINUM sounding VOCALS on your track - HIT ME UP! Top quality sound, quick turn around! I DO NOT do free samples. <<send messages for prices>> I also do MUSIC PRODUCTION and BEATS.
LEID is a Session & Touring Musician. Composer & Producer. Chilean keyboard player. Today, he performs with “Chancho en Piedra” (Latin Grammy Nominee) and produces side by side with "DrefQuila” (Warner Music Artist), besides working with pop, rock and jazz bands. Has 2 studio recordings: NATURA, Contemporary Jazz/Folk, 2018. EXPERIMENT, EDM, 2021.
Hey there, I'm a professional vocalist, topliner and songwriter with a sweet, girly, unique and angelic voice - similar to Corinne Bailey Rae & Gwen Stefani. If you need help with songwriting, I will write captivating, luscious, hooks for you. I'm also a pianist and can record piano for you.
Recent Successes
"he's so professional and cool! and also very good at singing. i can suggest her! :)"
"Coko, is truly a professional! This was my first time working with her and she finished my project the next day after receiving it. She composed an excellent melody for my lyrics and her voice is amazing! I am very ha..."
"Chad is responsible and very proffessional about his work. Used his mix/mastering skills two times , never got disappointed. 5 stars mate"
"This guy is a hell of a singer , he will take your song to a whole new level , highly recommended"
"It was so great working with Viktoria. She has tremendous talent with such a beautiful voice, and is quick to respond. I was amazed at her professionalism and musical sense. I highly recommend her, and I will absolute..."
"Claud is fantastic to work with - plays varied and thoughtful pieces to give you several options. A great player and collaborator - he will elevate your project"
"I can always count on Rob. Thank you."
"After a lot of writing Pop, Country, R&B, etc., I wrote my first heavy metal song and Ziv really completed it in style...I absolutely love his work!! Great aggressive bass and guitars on this song...I'm happy!!"