Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hannah Heneden
I'd love to help transform your project/s and grow together; I've been doing music for over 20 years and I have a Bachelor of Music in Contemporary Writing and Production. Over the years, I've done countless performances, recordings, compositions, transcriptions, mixes, arrangements, and more. I hope I can be a part of your musical journey! ♡
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I am Chris Hoyt, I have been a musician since 1994 and I play: guitar, drums, bass guitar, keyboards and percussion. I have been recording since about 1997 and thats when the audio addiction began! I studied Electronic Music and Pro Tools production in 2000 @ Ohlone College in Fremont, CA and later studied at CRAS, in Tempe, Arizona in 2003/ 2004.
Working in the field for 11 years in multiple different genres has helped me attain a lot of skill, I am not even 21.
Hello! I'm a session Cellist with a passion for creativity, I will create a cello recording or compose cello parts for your project/strings
Classically trained/freelancing Oboe player. I can provide the best Oboe sound that you are looking for. I can play Oboe and English horn. As a non multi-instrumentalist, I strive, and take pride in my work with the best quality. Professional recording equipment are available for remote recording as well.
I have been writing songs for quite a while now, usually in the genres of pop and musical, but I have written texts for rap and metal too. I would prefer to only write the lyrics.
I'm a Belmont University School of Music voice grad with over 17 years of experience touring as a singer-songwriter and producing studio projects. My music production style is versatile and melodic. If your project needs a cunning ear and a producer who is proficient in multiple instruments (including guitar, bass, keys, and drums), I'm your girl!
Unsure of your sound? Let me help you bring out the BEST of your performances with INDUSTRY competitive projects at the LOWEST price!
Jolynn J Chin is a Grammy-considered crossover pianist, composer, and producer, specializing in progressive, time-changing piano music. Known for her innovative approach, Jolynn blends her classical training with modern sounds, creating virtuosic compositions that incorporate beats, electronic elements, and off-time rhythms.
Recent Successes
"Matt delivered an absolutely beautiful mix to my pop/jazz song. Followed instructions closely and clearly. Really easy to communicate with and had a great experience working with him. Will definitely be using him for ..."
"Alejo was great! Very professional and worked diligently with our request and revision suggestions. Very cool spirit about him and super talented writer. His vocals on the demo sales it by themselves. If you are looki..."
"chad came through clutch again!"
"Working with Yoad has been an awesome experience. He is a great problem solver, is extremely professional and always gives a high quality product!"
"Friendly and great to work with. Looking forward to future collaborations hopefully!"
"Andrew was a total pro! He was very enthusiastic and provided timely updates throughout the entire process. He also has a great commitment to giving his best and ensuring that you are happy with the results! Andre..."
"Great time working with Christian, he added some Soul and Grit to the Vocals, a brought the song to life. Very Cool rendition."
"Good visualization from the other opposing end gor what parts to leave in , in a show mix Quick and great work for anybody out there or the hip hop guys about to do there show "
"I had a pleasure to work with Matt on my instrumental hip-hop project, and he did a stellar job with both mixing and mastering my track. He is really awesome in what he does! Matt's exceptional level of professional..."