Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Haleigh Martin
Affordable mixing engineer based right outside of Nashville, TN with a FREE sample!
Hey, I'm Jesse, a Producer and Mixer from Nashville, TN. I've helped my clients garner hundreds of thousands of streams, and I'd love to work with you on your next project! No matter what it is: full production, adding production to existing tracks, mixing, playing guitar, or singing - I've got you covered!
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Music producer, engineer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with credits including Universal Music and Tonspiel Records. I specialize in Rock, Indie-Folk, Funk, Pop and Brazilian music. Recent projects include co-producing and playing bass for Indie Ambient guitarist Amparo and producing for Latin Grammy Winner Alejandra Guzman.
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Hi there, My name is Winter. Producing and recording music is my happy place and I’d love to help make your project sound awesome.
There are songs inside you that people need to hear; I’m here to help you release them into the world.
Hey, I'm Tomm from Argentina - My job is to give your idea what it needs to exceed your expectations. Tell me about your project and let's work together to make it happen
I am obsessed with music from a young age and it will only increase within time.
Hi, I'm Anna B: I have 20 years' experience as a singer, songwriter, recording artist and session musician. I have worked with: RACHEL PLATTEN (Sony) , LENNY ZAKATEK (Alan Parson's/Gonzalez), DAN SMITH (BASTILLE). A recent client review: 'Amazing. Incredible performance. Great communication. Really poured emotion and power into the performance'
Recent Successes
"Jillian delivered exactly what I was looking for. She's really talented and super easy to work with. She works incredibly fast and is a great person to bounce ideas off of. I'd recommend working with her!"
"Amazing performance! Ronan is a great guitarist. The parts he came up with and recorded really work for the benefit of the song. I will surely come back to Ronan with more songs in the future."
"Raena is very professional and easy to work with. She has a high level of creativity along with a great attitude. I highly recommend her."
"Good dude, Good work even gave me some advise on the mixing part !"
"Wow! What can I say about Tony that hasn't already been said? He is an amazing singer, his voice was the final piece that my track was missing. He took my small idea and turned it into something way beyond my expec..."
"Chris delivered exactly what I asked for on this song. And then he delivered the other thing I asked for on the song when I changed my mind - great customer service. Stylistically both versions were pretty much 180 ..."
"I just finished my 10th project with Lo and as always, I can't say enough positive things about working with her. What an amazing talent and person. Hit her up, you will not be disappointed!"
"Lydia has a versatile touch and can bang out pop or fit into a softer arrangement with wonderful piano that complements your song. She is the real deal and always a pleasure to work with. Awesomeness personified! 😃"