Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Guantanamo Bae
Hi, I'm Emily! I'm a trained singer (BA in performance music) with more than a decade of experience as a session singer, performer, song-writer and vocal arranger. I specialise in soul, pop, jazz, and writing vocal arrangements. I have a wealth of musical knowledge to draw from, and always bring quality and creativity to the table.
Let's write some captivating lyrics or add ethereal vocals to your EDM, deep house, or trance track!
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Welcome to Colossal Studios. I am an engineer, producer, and songwriter. I take pride in the bands I record and it's a goal of mine to offer the best possible production, sonic quality and songwriting at a reasonable price.
I have been working with audio for a total of 6 years, starting out in live theater and live music in high school and later getting into sound Mixing, Recording and Post Production. I have an AVID Pro Tools 110 certification and work primarily out of the box in Pro Tools. I also currently work full time as a live backline/audio technician.
Young and eager to prove myself, I have spent hundreds of hours in the studio recording, editing, mixing, and mastering music from genres rock to hip hop and everything in between.
7x Grammy Award-Winning Mixer
Powerful Emotive Rock Vocalist
Edu Helpers Hub is a trusted editing and proofreading service.
Nicolle Gamboa's #1 producer along with a group of Latin artists from Miami and Venezuela. Also the secret weapon of many studio nerds and streamers, session musicians/singers and even some of the pros as I've made the setup for their home studios and tracked songs on fiverr! Mixing and mastering skills, the most famous I've worked with, Bob Katz.
Welcome to RedLab Studio! I'm Billy Jeanz and I'm going to lift your track to the next level using high-end analog and digital equipment and give a rich competitive sound to your music!
Recent Successes
"Steve is professional, punctual and absolutely blew my mind with how well my song came out. I can't stop listening to it. I highly recommend him and look forward to doing more songs with him in the future."
"I have been using Dexy's mastering skills in 3-4 years now. And, I'm still using him to mastering all my work. I'm so pleased to work with him. A good and proffesional conversation in every step of the work!"
"Yoed added the cello to our song and he did a great job. What a great job. I highly recommend him."
"Amazing producer!!!! He has a great ear for music, unique sounds, and is extremely talented. His production really surprised me, he understood all I needed and more :) Already working on the next track. Great and prof..."
"Working with Yuri has been great, easy to work with and very talented. Looking forward to future projects"
"Hodnatti mixed and mastered my track perfectly. He was very professional, and delivered the project ahead of the deadline so I had some time to give feedback and make any revisions. Would definitely recommend! Thanks :) "
"Fast, Professional and added extra touches without changing the vibe of the track. Will work with again!"
"I wouldn't keep coming back if it wasn't worth it. Like always, he can take a 10/10 to a 15/10. Great work"
"Apart from having a stunning voice, Stefan was brilliant to work with! Super fast, high quality recording, exactly what we were looking for. Highly recommended, I'm so thrilled with our song and can't wait to work wit..."