Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gemineye
"Quality Product from a Quality Engineer" - Andrew Vyvyan (Client)
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Medellín, 1995 Corporación Universitaria Adventista Licenciatura en educación musical. Medellín, 2007 Universidad de Antioquia Especialización en Artes con énfasis en Composición Medellín, 2014 Universidad de Antioquia Maestría en Gestión Cultural
KEITH ROSS - Multi-Platinum Producer, Songwriter, Mixer - Over 20 years of experience working with top artists in the business. I have experience in pretty much every genre of music. Offering my mixing services at a discounted rate, exclusively for SoundBetter.
I'm a Grammy nominated recording and mix engineer, with over 14yrs experience in the music industry. Now with my own recording studio I am fully committing myself to my production
Freelance composer/percussionist/pianist/audio editor based in Berlin, Germany, specialised in soundtrack composition and dialogue audio editing.
Record Productions, Musician Consultations
Award winning Singer Songwriter, Producer and Mix Engineer. I have worked with major companies like CBS and done freelance work for over 10 years. I would love to help you get your mix ready track to a professional level!
I am ready for the struggle of being an artist but in a bigger scale. I've been making beats for smaller artists on soundcloud and i have an album on the making. Really looking forward to make the scene more unique with my stuff!
¿Buscas una letra que encaje con la melodía de tus canciones? Contactame para crear la mejor letra para tus canciones, tambien realizo adaptaciones para cover de canciones en ingles y openings de anime.
Recent Successes
"My second time working with Annika... and we are moving onto a third project! Highly recommend this gem of a lyricist. If you're on the fence, get off it already ;)"
"Aaron did an amazing job for the mastering of my track, style : electro house, and understood all my comments immediatly, I warmly recommend"
"Logan is so nice and kind!I would love to work with him again !"
"Another Great song with Austin! Highly recommend for anything you need!"
"Sam did a great job on the mastering!"
"2nd time working with Fred and he was great as expected! Definitely accommodating with all of my notes and also very quick with his turn around."
"Great work"
"Absolutely wonderful! Everything I’d hoped for, and more. Maria followed all my guiding ideas for the song, and then brought out nuances I was barely aware of (when I listened first it was almost like I was hearing th..."
"Greg did incredible work on this track. Greg took this from a set of messy raw tracks to a professional final mix. Its great to have him on our team."