Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kenigsberg
I'm a professional Mixing and Mastering Engineer with over 10 years of experience in bringing music to life.
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I've got the best sound and I deliver the best grooves. Give me a try and you will hire me for all your next projects.
Boston-based producer/engineer
Hey Guys, I am an audio engineer and a Producer and a student of one of the biggest ghost producers in the EDM scene, I learned many things from him and I guarantee you that my work is high quality. :) I have a ghost released on Sony Music by a big Artist!
Your go-to source for all your music needs! With over 15+ years of experience in the field, Juanjo will get the job done! My #1 priority is making your artistic vision come to life! If you're looking for a session guitar player, drummer or a composer for your arrangement needs, look no further, Juanjo's got your back!
Giga Cars is a leading second-hand car showroom in Bangalore, India for selling your car online and purchasing second-hand automatic cars in Bangalore, helping customers to buy the right car.
Composing songs, mixing projects, master ing projects.
Hola, soy Ornella y las experiencias las hago canciones
Award-winning cinematic composer known for crafting powerful, emotionally-driven orchestral scores for film and songs.
Recent Successes
"Great job!"
"The arrangement One wrote for my song was perfect and the process was seamless with excellent communication. After a consultation in which we exchanged ideas and references, One recorded a "demo" of the arrangement wh..."
"Professional and very talented! She nailed the vocals I was looking for for my pop track, and got them done in a timely and impressive manner. Also great instincts for melodies and harmonies. Beautiful voice! Definite..."
"The Crushboys absolutely crushed the track I sent them, 10/10 would work with them again! Amazing work"
"I really loved working with Luar. He was very patient with me :) He is very professional and fun to work with. He listened to what I had to say and made sure to make changes accordingly. I definitely recommend..."
"Unreal how good this project was with Mark. Too good. Turn around time? Record book level stuff. Love working with MP."
"A fantastic sound engineer, Rose has been instrumental as both a peer mentor and collaborator throughout the end process of my song-crafting. She has a fast turnaround, and is very technically proficient. I'm continui..."
"She's the best...PERIOD, that's all that needs to be said. If you want a hit, you go to her. End Game!"
"J None is such a creative and amazing artist. Our team switched directions on a project and he was flexible to pivot and take on another song that aligned with his vocals perfectly. He was prompt and patient with ever..."