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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Frontier Drifters
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I'm professional Music Producer / Engineer from Italy
My name is fouad khader Music arranger Work in beats records studio
London-based Producer & Mixing Engineer. Member of the band junodream.
I am an animator & designer specializing in short looping animations. My skills include rotoscoping, hand drawn FX, and collage style motion graphics. To get a better feel for my style, please check out my Instagram @helenratner. I've done work for artists such as Kanye, FKA Twigs, Steve Aoki, El Alfa, and more.
Well experienced drummer with own studio who plays for the song.
Recent Successes
"Natalie is a real pro and a gifted vocalist. She took the time, even before I accepted her proposal, to think about what key would work best for my song and she even gave me a sample of how it would sound. That saved..."
"It is always a pleasure to work with Brent. He has brilliant sensibility and talent for creating the best mixes that both match what I'm wanting to hear and also fit with industry standards. I would highly recommend..."
"An absolute pleasure to work with, Lena made my song sound better than I ever imagined possible"
"Outstanding talent! PG Brown was reliable, a great communicator and his delivery was on point. I would definitely recommend his services to anyone and work with him again! :)"
"Ziv has done many of the guitar tracks for my songs, and does amazing work. This time, I had him also do a bass track. The track provided badly-needed movement to my song, and was also the perfect bottom-end! Ziv's..."
"Barny is a professional in every respect. Having a mixer that will patiently tend to every mix revision without any ego was important to me and Barny really delivered. He was able to translate my mix notes into the wo..."
"So, it all started so friendly.... then Chris delivered the kind of vocal performance that makes you want to jump up and start headbanging. He captured the raw energy and intensity we needed for our new video game t..."