Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FREQNCY
In these 9 years of career, Felipe had the opportunity to release his songs on major record labels, still with his old project, FREQNCY. His releases have already been released on Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Altafonte, Som Livre, Future House Music, House Mag, and finally on the English Release Records, with “In This World”, with Third Party
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Hey, my name is Sergii, I'm a producer, mixing and mastering engineer. Here is the link to my soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/pvndv.
My name is Vincent Peters, I am a recording and mixing engineer. I have extensive technical knowledge, a trained ear for music, and a huge passion for what I do. I have worked closely with South Florida's Hip Hop, Indie, and Pop artists for years, recording, mixing, and helping them develop and perfect their sound.
I am a singer/songwriter with strengths in melody and lyric writing. If you have a song that has a melody but no lyrics, I can write them. If you have lyrics you want to make into a song, I can find a melody. If you can't play an instrument and need music, I can write chords for it! I am more than happy to fill in the blanks!
I am Composer / Producer who approaches Mixing with the mind of an Arranger. I feel that having a good understanding of the creative process informs how one should approach Record Engineering and mixing. The goal of any creative musical endeavor will yield the end result of a great mix, a great master and emotional response from the listener.
Servant of the songs, artists, and music. Let's make music together. If you don't like it, don't pay me. If you like it, let’s write more songs.
I produce house music and have released with some of the biggest electronic music labels in the world, including Defected, Toolroom, Armada, Spinnin', Cr2, Circus Recordings and many more.
Composer, instrumentalist (guitar, keyboards, wind instruments), vocal, poet (Romanian language). Official Youtube artist channel - Mihai Dor with over 13,000 subscribers and over 8,000,000 views.
In these 9 years of career, Felipe had the opportunity to release his songs on major record labels, still with his old project, FREQNCY. His releases have already been released on Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Altafonte, Som Livre, Future House Music, House Mag, and finally on the English Release Records, with “In This World”, with Third Party
Recent Successes
"Just great! I usually get disappointed in the way people demo the songs I write. But he followed the direction I gave him perfectly, and even went beyond what I was expecting. The process was fast and efficient. I wou..."
"Amazing work with many options to pick. Absolutely Mastering with DEXY in our to do list before we die! "
"The passion and care that Killian gave to my song has made it far, far better than I could imagine. The cost does not seem to match the work as in I got far more production quality than I expected for the costs. Fate ..."
"Fernando is simply incredible. Not only is he a ridiculously talented drummer, but he's PASSIONATE at what he does and extremely kind. My sis and I have definitely found a new favorite percussionist in him and a frien..."
"Tim made my track more fat and punchy on a professional level. I pay attention to details when it comes to sound, and he patiently corrected all nuances that I described. You can be sure that Tim will follow your r..."
"First time working with David and it was totally a Great Experience... ! Had a deadline to get this song tracked and over to orchestration. David was very accommodating with a quick turnaround and did an Awe..."
"Ashley is a talented songwriter! I had trouble writing a song and Ashley did a wonderful job creating melodies and lyrics that aligned with the theme and emotions I was looking for...truly beautiful. Not only that but..."