Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FREQNCY
In these 9 years of career, Felipe had the opportunity to release his songs on major record labels, still with his old project, FREQNCY. His releases have already been released on Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Altafonte, Som Livre, Future House Music, House Mag, and finally on the English Release Records, with “In This World”, with Third Party
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More providers:
Recording artist, producer, and engineer with a strong background in melancholy electronic music. I use Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Reason.
Experienced session vocalist in Nashville, TN. 15 years of songwriting experience with several major cuts (Sony and Universal) Professional Singer/songwriter and full time Music Artist. Available for hire to write, record lead vocals and/or harmonies. (vocal tuning and comping included)
I want to create a beat/instrumental or even a full track for you as a ghost producer and mix and master your completed project!
Long time musician who has written, recorded and mixed own music. Starting out pro, and looking to build on my current experience
My style is mostly soundscapes with many layers of synths, very harmonic. Music for the soul with modern electronic instrumentation mixed with some real instruments.
Being an aspiring Artist of my own i believe i know exactly what an artist needs. You can visit my productions page at productionsbybravo.com for beats and other unique services you may have as an Artist. *free consultation*
Recording studio with Multi-Grammy nominated audio engineers.
In these 9 years of career, Felipe had the opportunity to release his songs on major record labels, still with his old project, FREQNCY. His releases have already been released on Universal Music Group, Sony Music, Altafonte, Som Livre, Future House Music, House Mag, and finally on the English Release Records, with “In This World”, with Third Party
Recent Successes
"Dan has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Always very responsive, has a great attitude to work and a speedy turnaround! His experience as a musician is clearly an advantage as he adds a creative touch to the mix."
"Gave these guys a chance and forever glad I did. Will be working with them in the future for my next project, NO question. They worked efficiently and expeditiously to get my song finished. Clear, concise communicatio..."
"I have once again finished a project with Ziv and I am once again happier than ever. He brought my song to the next level."
"Layla is really kind, professional and super fast! We worked on a project till we reached my exact idea in my mind. 100% recommendation. Can’t hardly wait to work with you again! "
"If you get the right direction for the song, you will need no revision. He will close your troubles and take the coordinates of completion. So trendy, Fresh shock, Easy access. Top notch. "
"An exceptional singer with a magnificent voice that she really masters. In addition to that, she has a great creative mind and comes up with brilliant ideas that greatly improve the version we had in mind. She is ex..."