Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fools to Sages
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Recording studio, managed by Ukrainian producer/songwriter Dimitry Pavlovskiy
i am adeyemo olusoji jacob, a graduate of international relations and the foundation of law. i am an experienced bass player as well as above average general instrument player, im also a voice couch and a music director. a close to 10 years experience. i prefer to create than to copy.
Entertainer/Drag recording artist, Songwriter, Personality. Independent Artist currently writing and working to create more content and collaborations. Let's hear your ideas! Can't wait to work with you! Check my website out NaomiWynters.com, there you'll find links to my social media, released music and more
U Can Tell I’m real Just How I Carry Myself I’m Solid Different From Everybody Else
We were a '90s band, just before the soft-wave.
Papers Lead is a team of professional writers that help students deal with all kinds of academic assignments.
Tenor voice with quick turnaround. I’ve sung with my gospel artists and I now have my own music out as well. “Hear My Song” is available on all digital outlets.
Professional singer with 20 Million Streams on Spotify and many more on all platforms!
Recent Successes
"i asked him for mastering and addtional production again. its always great and quality production he made. thanks!! "
"Working with Ben is not a pleasure, it's... a big chance!! "Félicitations" dude, you're the best!! "
"Excellent work easy to work with, definitely gave my track the fullness and the emotion it needed! I gave him a reference track and he was able to carry it out, giving me my own crafted sound out of it. "
"Business as usual. "
"I chose to work with Matt for the fourth time now. This time we worked on a 6 track ep/album and I am super super satisfied with the end result! The sound turned out perfect + the communication is always great. If you..."
"Jordan was awesome to collab with, really brought life to the project I presented to him! He is a hitmaker!! Definetly recommend him for any project and will collab with him more in future projects, Thanks Jordan and ..."
"Ben did a fantastic job with my project. Delivery was quicker than expected, yet the quality and craftsmanship was top-notch! Super dope MC who can tell a great story and understands how to execute his performance. I ..."
"Where do I begin?… my compliments are endless!! Rob Murray absolutely knows his stuff and it shows on the most amazing pop/ballad mix he did for me. I never thought it would come out so professional sounding! Not only..."