Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with For the night pop smoke
Recorded and mixed multiple top hits for several top artists. Also have worked with post and several movie companies; In The eyes of Tammy Faye. Have experience working in several different genres; bluegrass, pop, rap, rock, jazz, etc.
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Hello everyone, I'm Krystal I'm from Brooklyn,New York and I have been writing songs and formatting melodies professionally for over 10 years. I specialize in creating harmonies, melodies,vocal placement and lyric writing. I also write rap lyrics. I can help you expand an idea or provide full lyrics as well as melody and back vocal ideas.
Let The Production Speak! Producer plus Vocalist for all different styles of music from Pop to Country, R&B & Soul.
Delivering exactly what the customer wants and deserves.
Expert of the feature film location Sound\Sound Design\Mixing Language:Chinese/Cantonese/English
I am a passionate musician producer. Melodies are my strength. Produced "De quen chon" (Chicoché) covered by Caloncho. Was a part of the "Amarte Tour USA" 2018 Sharing the stage with Juanes and Mon Laferte. Participated in pre production of the Belanova album "Viaje al centro del corazón" (2018). Produced Caloncho & Sabino 2018-2019 live show.
Hey! Im Syd! I can sing, rap, or just be part of a chorus.
Self produced multiple rock and hip hop albums.
He has already recorded, arranged and produced pearls of Brazilian music such as: Milton Nascimento, Djavan, Caetano Veloso, Alexandre Pires, Seu Jorge, Martinho da Vila, Daniel, Alejandro Sanz, Al di Miola among others.
Recent Successes
"Tiffany delivered exactly what I was looking for, at the highest A-list level and quality. Worldclass talent and an incredible ear for catchy melodies, hooks and heartfelt lyrics, in addition to her incredible voice. ..."
"Hakan was super fast and grasped exactly what I needed. He gave more than expected. Thanks again Hakan."
"Mark is great to work with, and the quality of work is at a high standard. whether you're finishing up a track or wanting a mix done half way through to bring out the detail and up the quality for your next phases, i ..."
"Very quick turnaround, and such a cool person to work with! Will definitely be back again for another project!"
"I approached Roman with a track I was looking to get mixed. Roman was extremely courteous and timely, and was super helpful in giving me some pointers that proved very useful for the job! I am very satisfied with the ..."
"This whole project felt like a game of "Can I find something this guy cannot do?" and ultimately finding out that he can do absolutely everything. Mash ups. Weird reference tracks. Soundscapes. I asked so much of h..."
"Sam has a great ear and was generous with his time. As someone who typically mixes his own tracks by necessity, I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about outsourcing this part of the process. That said from the very f..."