Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eva May
Recording & Mixing Enginner for "Eva May", "Neptune Orizon" and more... Smooth communication & professional result.
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Studio Fiddle Player and songwriter in Nashville, TN. I have toured in bands, Mark Chesnutt, Gloriana, Band Perry, Jerrod Neimann, Sarah Johns, and many others...My priority in Nashville is a Songwriter pitching to the majors.
Music Maker. Tracking/Mixing Engineer, Mastering and Full-Productions. www.chitchatdistro.com
I serve the Music and I work to achieve the best it can be.
Professional session guitarist, contact me for recording or arranging guitar tracks. Acoustic or electric guitars, lap steel, mandolin, ukulele. I have a great collection of instruments, amp's, pedals, and digital systems.
I'm new to the for profit music community but I've been lucky enough to have some of the projects that I've written and produced featured on ABC, CBS, Apple TV+, and in Billboard. I'm excited to hear your tunes, learn new perspectives on music, and hopefully I can find a place to blend my sounds and POV so we can make something interesting.
I can write you great lyrics with the context you provide for me.
Young musician with versatile skills at any musical environment
" Be The Voice, Not The Echo. "
Recent Successes
"I came to Brad to master the first song I ever mixed by myself. I explained my concerns by stating that I felt my vocals were too loud in the mix, he gave me some tips and then assured me the mix I sent through was p..."
"Lucas was amazing, he literally delivers the projects faster than anyone I have worked with on here. He communicates clearly and explains exactly what each track is which helps in my mixing and overall vision for the ..."
"Dustin was generous and kind throughout our time working together. The music skills that he poured into the track made it more sonically superb than I ever imagined. A truly wonderful experience!"
"I'll continue to keep coming back to work with Kyle. He's just an absolute pleasure and talent. Hire this guy."
"Ziv is very talented guitarist. He instinctively knows what you want to do with the song and takes it to another level with his great taste in music. Ziv is very patient, with great communicatiion and very dedicated ..."