Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lartson
Recording & Mixing Enginner for "Eva May", "Neptune Orizon" and more... Smooth communication & professional result.
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I am a classically trained violinist who specializes in creating boundless and unique string parts and arrangements for rock and roll, classical, dance, hip hop and avant pop. I have a BA from the University of California Los Angeles in Ethnomusicology. I record and tour with P!nk and the Foo Fighters and I produce and record at my studio.
I'm a session Guitarist, loving my acoustic Guitar, but also playing electric and western. I'm teaching guitar and are free for all projects. I'm classicaly trained, but playing everything between classic, folk and hard rock, recording at home studio.
You Need A Producer / Mixer / Engineer…...Right? ……..There's a ton of guys on here to help! Drop by, take a listen and see If you feel we could work together
Electronic dance music producer available for 1 on 1 sessions via Zoom.
I'm pleased to say that I happen to be a well-known Dj and music producer from Lagos Nigeria. Having produced and remixed many songs for both the top artists in Nigeria and also the fast-rising acts, my reviews are nothing short of outstanding. My strongest points are EDM, AfroEDM, Housemusic and Afrobeat. If this is your genre, then let's work!!!
Nostalgic catchy music for games inspired by classics, 8-bit, 16-bit.
Brizzle Man
Recent Successes
"Denny is pure Pro! His Pedal Steel expertise added exactly what we were looking for. His performance was tasteful - not underplaying or overplaying... Just right: That's what pro really means, after all. He obviously..."
"Sade, is a great singer and arranger, she added beautifully crafted background vocals to my song, it was a pleasure working with her, would love to work together in the future"
"I just did another music promo project with walkerdunnvisuals and super happy with his work (again). I asked for an animated music cover (for the IG story and feed) to announce the release of my new single. All I sent..."
"Brandon is a pro, of course. Everybody knows that. Great job once again turning my lyrics into a fun country song."
"Excellent job by Drew highly recommended!"
"Niels continues to delight and surprise each and every time with his ideas, approach, style and abilities. He has elevated every track I have given him to amazing new heights, and I can't imagine anyone else bringing..."
"J None is such a creative and amazing artist. Our team switched directions on a project and he was flexible to pivot and take on another song that aligned with his vocals perfectly. He was prompt and patient with ever..."