Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maliboo
Hi, I’m Alex "Lex" D’Amato, and I’m here to bring your music to life. With over 5 years of experience and a Billboard #2 album under my belt, I’m passionate about delivering professional, polished mixes that keep your unique sound intact. From mixing and mastering to custom vocal chains, I’m ready to take your tracks to the next level!
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My name is László Gálosi I am offering music production service online or local in Budapest, Hungary. From complete production process including song-writing, demoing, pre-production, recording, mixing, mastering through individual elements of the process such as editing, sound design or remixing in different genres in music.
I am graduate of Bowie State University where I attained a bachelor's of science in Fine Arts with a concentration in music technology. During an prior to my tenure at the university I specialized in music production, engineering and composition. A currently would consider my forte composition as I am talented in writing music for the screen.
I am ready to work! I got a powerful mezzo soprano vocal, can sing a very different range from quite low to quite high but not too high. I sing professionally for 20 years. I had a lot of vocal training during my whole life and I have great vocals techniques.
My name is "Jen Perr". I am an artist, author and composer based in France.
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Jamaican Dancehall and Hip-Hop Producer. My sound ranges from Dancehall to Drill to Oriental Trap and even Bedroom Pop.
I'm open-minded free thinker and I'm ready to work I'm up for challenges and I love meeting and connecting with new people.
Popularity has never been my forte. I want to start a new genre.
Recent Successes
"Brent is fantastic! I worked with him on a full length album and was impressed by every facet of his work. First off, his professionalism is first-class. Now, let us dive in to his quality of work. I will give you..."
"Stephen managed to capture the exact mood and aura that I was looking for when composing my song, on the first go-around. I adore his voice. It was easy, efficient and a pleasure to work with him."
"Darren is awesome. He was extremely patient with us, and really worked with us as much as possible to give us the outcome we wanted. I highly recommend him to help bring your tracks to the next level. I will definit..."
"Yet another track down. Such a breeze to work with as always. Very open to changes and gives amazing clarity to his mix/masters "
"Marco was on vacation for a while but he still managed to deliver in a timely manner, and it goes without saying that Marco is an amazing musician, never failing to surprise me with his own twist."
"I hired Daniela to provide feedback on my mix. The result of her excellent and professional comments was a much better mix and took me to the point of release of the song. Thanks Daniella, very appreciated:) /Magnus"