Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with enrico lombardi
Hi, my name is Ferdinando and I'm a professional drummer/mixer with years of experience in remotely composing and recording drum parts. I'm specialized in singer-songwriter, pop, country, rock and hard rock recordings. I own dozens of snare drums and cymbals, as well as multiple kits, to match any kind of song and vibe. Would love to work with you!
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My name is James Browne, I am a producer based in the UK. I have extensive experience in music production, have worked under a few different names and have work that has been signed by record labels. I also lend my skills to other aspiring artists and promise to deliver a product of the highest possible quality.
Hi, Thanks for considering me for your project. I'll treat your music or project like it was my own, so try me out. I will offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and fast turnaround.
I'm a Indie/Alternative Pop, Rock, R&B SongWriter/Producer that worked with artists of Sony Music (South America) and Independent artists over the past 10 years! I love to put all my energy in bringing the artist's vision to life, turn your artistic imagery into Sound as you've imagined! I'd love to hear about your project :)))
Have been recording and wirtting vocals long enough to give you what you need, in English and French.
Writing songs since the 90's. My style is timeless. I've had people between 8 & 60 dancing to and buying my records. People waited in line to purchase my song while hearing it play in the store. Signed artists and companies such as Color Me Badd, Micheal Jackson, Jive and Columbia Records to unsigned artists on T.I.'s label took interest in it.
I'm an Audio Engineer with over 15 years of experience! Will help you professionally Mix and Master your songs and achieve the best results possible for your final product. Includes pitch correction, vocal comping, time alignment and quantizing.
I am a mixing-mastering engineer and electronic music producer casting out to make magic of the best audible features in your music. I am assistant engineer to Justin Aswell, whom I observe and learn from constantly. I've mixed and mastered songs/albums by DJ NPC, Blutschwur, Boy A.C., Unruly Boys, and my own music as Teroscu and sw33t boy.
Electric and acoustic guitars
Recent Successes
"Katie is fantastic and responded really well to my suggestions. Such a great voice, and a pleasure to work with."
"Fantastic experience. Amazing professional "
"Blake is wonderful to work with. He really understands the mechanics of a song and cares about the projects he works on. Super talented and communicates steadily throughout the project. I highly recommend him. "
"Working with Alex was a very good experience. I needed two tracks mastered (stem mastering) for an EP and he started working on it right away. Got the first version after 24-48H and a week later, after some revisions,..."
"This review marks a second successful partnership with Emanuele. As before, he can take a simple idea, explore its unique character and develop it as musically intuited within a short window of time. Highly recommended!"
"Emma always delivers! I wouldn't want to record without her to back me up!"
"Elise is one of a kind! When you find her, you know you have something very special.She always puts her heart and soul into our songs. Elise, we thank you so much!-The Twins"
"Yeah, anyone who's worked with Harry will tell you he's the absolute best. Take the opportunity to work with him while you can. It's always fantastic. "