Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Enrico Chapela
Creative, out of the box, musical. Unique sound for each project, not templates. Two REALplate verb, springs, compressors, tube eq´s. Satisfaction guaranteed. Won´t hesitate to do whatever the project needs to get there. Global Music Award. 2 Grammy nominations. Various MTV Awards.
- She has worked as a composer for different musical ensembles, for instrumentalists/performers and for visuals. Her musical pieces belong to academic and popular music. - Claudia has collaborated as a singer in national and international projects - Singing, piano, violin and musical theory teacher - LMUS London College of Music
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Glenn is a session musician who specialises in world music. He provides sessions in all types of guitar, aswell as oud, saz and other plucked instruments. (please contact for full list of instruments available)
professional results.
I can give you the results that others can't....
My passion - is to create new music with talented people. I put all of me into the music such as my SOUL, Powerful voice, Vocal melody's ideas and lyrics (if needed) I'm always online and interested in final result of our collaboration!
As a professional music producer with many years of experience and excellent education in musicology I will write, produce, mix and master your music completely from scratch.
I am an experienced Pianist and Music Producer from India. I create professional piano, keyboard and Synth tracks for your music. I work with clients to help them in music creation by enhancing their song or project. I am a mixing engineer creating beautiful mixes and remixes. I have a Master's degree in Music Technology from CalArts.
I can make your track sound as strong, clean and beautiful as whatever reference you provide!
Take your demos to the finish line! These are the many hats I wear as a music maker - Record Producer, Session Singer, Session Keyboardist, Songwriter.
Recent Successes
"Yoad was fantastic to collaborate with and I'm really pleased with his work on my latest single. I was a bit reluctant to work with someone only via written correspondence which I had never done before, but Yoad quick..."
"Again - awesome work. Fast and really on point. Cool sounds and perfect beats!! Me gusta! "
"I've hired Dennis many times, and he's always exceptionally great- not only at playing, but at getting amazing sounds as well! Turnaround time is always fast. Quality is top quality. Attitude is great. "
"Very helpful, lyrical and informational. Couldn't have asked for anything or anyone better, this is it!!!! Always answers my questions when needed also, this man is a pro!! "
"Aaron was absolutely wonderful to work with! He's attentive, professional, and quick to turnaround an awesome product. I definitely recommend working with him for all your production needs!!"
"Laura is an awesome bass player and cool to work with as always! The best...5 stars always! "
"Once again, Rob knocks it out of the park! Highly recommend!"
"During the pandemic it is crucial to feel comfortable with players and producers who may be collaborating on your music that might be over 5,000 miles away. A certain trust must be maintained as well as feeling secure..."
"I had a great feeling after getting my tracks back from Ryan. They were just the right guitar parts to bring my song alive. I didn't have to give much direction, and he just got it. Quick turnaround as well. I'm ..."