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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with enfan
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a french Music and TV søund engineer (technicien søn en francais dans le texte), in Paris.
Brooklyn's newest creative oasis, reinvented for the modern artist.
Brooklyn's Creative Oasis Reinvented For The Modern Artist
Stop letting your incredible ideas vanish with time, and get them put down on record the way you imagine them sounding. I can help you get there, and honor your artistic expression with the treatment it deserves.
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I am professional classical pianist with an international career. Besides winning few piano competitions, I have also been multi awarded as an artist of the year, mostly for performing contemporary music. I collaborated with many composers helping them to present a referent premiere of their work.
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Recent Successes
"This is the second time I ask Nathan to help on my tracks. Efficient and professional as usual,He worked his magic to bring out the best of my tracks even though it was not-so-high-quality early recordings!"
"Byron was a pleasure to work with; very professional and very committed. He patiently sat with me while we threw ideas against the wall until finding that stuck. Trust me, there's a reason why he continually gets 5 ..."
"If you want anything done right and on time, then Marcello is your guy. Nobody gives more to a project than him. Always a privelage to work with Marcello! Thank you my friend! "
"Great job! She’s definitely the best vocal editor on SoundBetter "
"Johnny Is very kind and he works super fast. It's Always a pleasure work with him. "